Well, I just completed my first straight razor shave and the results were...unsatisfactory.
I just received my straight today, back from being expertly honed by Ambrose. Thanks again for that, Ambrose! I have been staring at it all afternoon waiting to get the nerve to try it, and I just did. Here's what I encountered:
1. I feel as though my razor is very light. There is no real heft to it, but this doesn't surprise me since I've been using a Vision for the last two years. Is this normal? I have a 5/8 hollow.
2. The razor seemed to need a good amount of pressure to get the job done. I have read everything on here from "no pressure at all" to "just enough to get the job done" and I don't know which one to believe. I guess I expected the razor to be like the old hot knife through butter analogy. This was definitely not the case.
3. I am not confident enough to get in all the little corners of my face yet, so I know that will come with practice and time.
4. Finally, even in the areas that I felt I did a good job, I got a crappy shave. I put light pressure at about 30 degrees and felt like I was doing well, only to find out that my face was only marginally smoother than when I started. I only had one day of growth to start with, and my beard's not that heavy.
While I'm frustrated, I will keep this up in order to practice and get it right. I could really use some encouragement and advice though. I know you've all heard this all before (x1000), so I appreciate any help you offer in advance.

I just received my straight today, back from being expertly honed by Ambrose. Thanks again for that, Ambrose! I have been staring at it all afternoon waiting to get the nerve to try it, and I just did. Here's what I encountered:
1. I feel as though my razor is very light. There is no real heft to it, but this doesn't surprise me since I've been using a Vision for the last two years. Is this normal? I have a 5/8 hollow.
2. The razor seemed to need a good amount of pressure to get the job done. I have read everything on here from "no pressure at all" to "just enough to get the job done" and I don't know which one to believe. I guess I expected the razor to be like the old hot knife through butter analogy. This was definitely not the case.
3. I am not confident enough to get in all the little corners of my face yet, so I know that will come with practice and time.
4. Finally, even in the areas that I felt I did a good job, I got a crappy shave. I put light pressure at about 30 degrees and felt like I was doing well, only to find out that my face was only marginally smoother than when I started. I only had one day of growth to start with, and my beard's not that heavy.
While I'm frustrated, I will keep this up in order to practice and get it right. I could really use some encouragement and advice though. I know you've all heard this all before (x1000), so I appreciate any help you offer in advance.