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First shave

Hey all, I received all the stuff I ordered from Larry @ whippeddog a few days ago and decided to give the shave a try today. Not too much to report. Just stuck WTG and was attempting to find a comfortable way to hold the razor and stretch my skin out. I had one tiny nick just below my left ear which I didn't feel at the time. Very minimal amount of blood. I'm guessing I poked myself with the point just a little. Other than that, no cuts and just a bit of razor burn which was all my fault. There were some spots I tried to go over too many times and I'll remember not to do that the next go around. I'll have to increase the angle a bit too lol...pretty sure I started at about 5 degrees and slowly tried working my way up a bit. At first, I couldn't tell if I was removing hair or beginning to dig into my face.

All in all, it was an enjoyable experience to start with. Next on the agenda is stropping for the first time (which I'll try tomorrow morning) and perhaps I might try another shave in a couple days. Another mistake I made was not having any particular plan of attack. I kept jumping around to different spots where I felt I'd be most comfortable with and ultimately went over my entire face. Some spots on the neck in particular felt difficult to reach and there were a number of times where I was just grazing the hair lightly. Glad to have the first one under my belt and ironically enough with less blood than I normally get from a full shave with any disposable.
Awesome start, I would suggest taking a first pass with a DE WTG, followed by a pass WTG with the straight razor. As you gain more confidence in your holds and technique throw in a few XTG
So how did the stropping go? It sounds like you have a great start going already; way better than mine, fwiw. There is no hurry here. Move on to other parts of the shave as you get comfortable. The stuff you figure out now, you'll likely re-figure a dozen times before your shave is your own. Enjoy in the mean time, cause it's a journey.
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