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First shave with Super Adjustable.

I got this razor 2 weeks ago, finally got around to shaving with it today. Loaded a fresh 7 O'clock Yellow (my blade of choice) and went to work with a nice lather of KMF unscented.

I set it to 5, then 7, and settled on 6.


BBS cheeks, and DFS neck. Far better than my usual superspeed, and right up there with the NEW LC that is out to Krona for a plating. This razor kicks serious butt, on 6 it just mows through my whiskers but did not irritate my face!

Next shave I am taking it to 7 for the entire shave. I do 2 passes, WTG, then XTG on cheeks/lips/chin and WTG on neck, then just an ATG on neck to take care of what is impossible to get any other way. So, 2 1/2 passes. I touch up my jawline a bit with buffing, but it was less this time.

These adjustables are sure nice. I really like the blade on skin feeling, knowing it was going to be close, and with the 7 O'clock Yellow, its always smooth. Might have to pick up a few more :)
I shave 3 passes with my Super-84. "5-5-2" I get razor burn if I shave greater than "2" on the final ATG pass. But hey; that's me.
I like my slim adjustable. Usually I do 5-5-3, but lately I've been using my Old Type because I freaking love how mild it is and still gives a fantastic 3 pass shave
I shaved with a super adjustable for over 40 years.

Never a thought of even "trying" anything else ever crossed my mind in all that time

For my beard (coarse and wirey) the more agressive razors work better. Not saying super aggressive, but my neck hairs grow all kinds of funny, and its hard to shave them all off. This did the trick, as does my previously mentioned NEW LC.

I wish I had gone adjustable sooner! :)
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