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First shave with Muhle R89

Acquired this yesterday from WCS. Showered, nuked towel, TOBS Sandalwood creme, new Iridium. 2 passes, just a bit of touch up, absolutely the cleanest, easiest shave so far. With a bit of Thayer's Rose Tonic, I feel renewed.

Very nice razor, plenty of heft, and I did not notice anything amiss with regards to handle/head weight ratio. Just let the razor and blade do the work.

I was going to shave my dad with a newly-rehandled M3 today when I go visit, but now, not a chance.

A very nice product, cudos to whomever.

Got Mühle?

I too picked up one of these from West Coast this week.

I have only shaved with it once so far, but it was one of the closest shaves I have had in a good long while, with a very minimal amount of effort.

The Muhle has perfect balance, perfect handle length, a perfect finish, and is fairly mild. Every newbie needs to own this as their first razor.

Forget about the Merkur HD, this razor is light years ahead of it in every way; I think the Merkur HD is actually too aggressive for newbies.

...Every newbie needs to own this as their first razor.

Forget about the Merkur HD, this razor is light years ahead of it in every way;

I'm curious how long you owned the Mekur HD and how much experience you actually have with it? I find the latter to be an excellent razor and wonder if those Muhle owners who disparage it are trying to justify paying the higher price.

I think the Merkur HD is actually too aggressive for newbies.

Did you try the Merkur HD for awhile with the Personna blades? I wouldn't want a milder razor, so I can't imagine why you'd say such a thing.

John, the reason I ask is when I was looking for a more aggressive razor than the Merkur HD, specifically the Merkur open comb, you recommended the Muhle R89 (which you had no experience with at the time) as an alternative. Are you finding the Muhle isn't as aggressive as you thought it would be?
I'm curious how long you owned the Mekur HD and how much experience you actually have with it? I find the latter to be an excellent razor and wonder if those Muhle owners who disparage it are trying to justify paying the higher price.

Did you try the Merkur HD for awhile with the Personna blades? I wouldn't want a milder razor, so I can't imagine why you'd say such a thing.

John, the reason I ask is when I was looking for a more aggressive razor than the Merkur HD, specifically the Merkur open comb, you recommended the Muhle R89 (which you had no experience with at the time) as an alternative. Are you finding the Muhle isn't as aggressive as you thought it would be?

You really need to try the R89 head to understand it. I use the EJ DE89. It is an extremely smooth head. It shaves just as close if not closer than the HD but is significantly smoother. You should not confuse aggressiveness with closeness of shave. For the quality of the 89 head, it is definitely worth the little bit extra you pay.
You really need to try the R89 head to understand it. I use the EJ DE89. It is an extremely smooth head. It shaves just as close if not closer than the HD but is significantly smoother. You should not confuse aggressiveness with closeness of shave. For the quality of the 89 head, it is definitely worth the little bit extra you pay.

Have to agree i used a Merkur 38C barber pole for about four months when i got started and then a few gillette's and by chance tried a DE89L and for me at least a much smoother shave. JMHO.:001_smile
I just got the R89 the other day and have used it one time. My other razor is an HD. Based upon one shave, I really like the R89 a lot - got a great shave. I can't say at this point that I prefer it to the HD. I like the weight of the HD a little more. I probably prefer the length of the R89 and the R89 is a great looking razor compared to the utilitarian look of the HD. So for me the jury is still out in terms of which one I think is better overall. For a newbie I would recommend both - I don't think you can go wrong with either one

ok - just shaved a second time with the R89. It is less aggressive than the HD so a good recommendation for beginners but the HD is still a top notch razor for beginners as well. Both razors are excellent.
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I find the latter to be an excellent razor and wonder if those Muhle owners who disparage it are trying to justify paying the higher price.

The HD @ West Coast is roughly $33, the Muhle R89 $43. I am certainly not trying to justify a mere $10 price difference.

Did you try the Merkur HD for awhile with the Personna blades? I wouldn't want a milder razor, so I can't imagine why you'd say such a thing.

I actually owned the Merkur 38R (HD with the longer red finished handle). I thought it was a great razor, until I tried a vintage 40's style Superspeed, which I felt blew it out of the water. I promptly sold the Merkur, and have never looked back.

Also, on most days, I shave with a Gillette Tech which is way milder than a Merkur HD.

John, the reason I ask is when I was looking for a more aggressive razor than the Merkur HD, specifically the Merkur open comb, you recommended the Muhle R89 (which you had no experience with at the time) as an alternative. Are you finding the Muhle isn't as aggressive as you thought it would be?

I would have to go digging for that post, but I think the confusion, is that there was an old model Muhle R-89 which was an open comb razor, and considered to be madly aggressive, hence if you were looking for an aggressive razor, that would have been a choice.

The R-89 being discussed here is a new model as of 2009, is a closed comb design, and fairly mild. :tongue_sm
Given that I planned to use super-slick VDH soap, the relatively slick-handled EJ razors weren't even a choice for me. After using that soap, I'm certainly grateful for the knurled HD handle. I don't know, but I'd guess the Merkur barber pole handle would be adequately grippy. The Muhle R89 solves the EJ problem (with slippery soap) by offering that head with a more grippy handle. It looks like a good choice for those who want that head.

I don't understand how one can address any given razor's "closeness of shave" or compare one razor's closeness of shave to another's, without qualifying which blade(s) is/are being used at the time. It is possible that two different razors give differently close shaves with the same blade, and equally close shaves with different blades.

I'm happy for those who feel the extra price of the R89 is worth it to them in terms of shave. I don't accept that the HD is too aggressive for beginners (except perhaps with Feathers) nor see how anyone with experience with that razor (and appropriate blades) would take that position. [EDIT: I see the person who made that statement had Merkur experience with the 38R, a longer, heavier, and reputedly more aggressive razor than the 34C]

Finally, the quality of the Merkur I received is impeccable--this coming from someone who installed thousands of dollars of chrome plated parts and accessories on motorcycles. However, I can appreciate that if the Merkur quality is more variable, some would receive razors not on a par with that they received from Muhle, and that would account for the different views on Merkur quality.
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Given that I planned to use super-slick VDH soap, the relatively slick-handled EJ razors weren't even a choice for me. After using that soap, I'm certainly grateful for the knurled HD handle. I don't know, but I'd guess the Merkur barber pole handle would be adequately grippy. The Muhle R89 solves the EJ problem (with slippery soap) by offering that head with a more grippy handle. It looks like a good choice for those who want that head.

I like the look of the R89 handle, but it's time to put the "slick handle" rumor to rest. I have a EJ DE89L. It replaced a 34C. Every time I read about the slick handle of the EJ, I think back to my last shave and resolve to take special note of the issue during my next shave. I cannot recall one single instance of slippage or near-slippage, or even one time when it ever became a conscious issue, regardless of what soap was in use. Also, my EJ has been polished with Metalwax so it is even more "slick" than it was out of the box. In use however, grip has never been an issue. Not even once.

I have heard similar things from users of the unlined EJ DE89. I tend to believe them since I can't see what significant functional improvement the lines would make since they aren't knurled or textured in any way.

So, believe it or not, the EJ handles (at least the "L") are NOT slippery when soapy or wet. Not one bit. I know it's counter-intuitive, but I'm telling you it's true. Hear me now. Believe me later!!

I don't understand how one can address any given razor's "closeness of shave" or compare one razor's closeness of shave to another's, without qualifying which blade(s) is/are being used at the time. It is possible that two different razors give differently close shaves with the same blade, and equally close shaves with different blades.

I don't notice a big difference between the ultimate closeness of the 34C and the 89, but I did notice that the 89 feels more comfortable and smooth with the Iridiums or Personnas that I usually use. Given the same resultant shave, the 89 seems to get me there easier.

I'm happy for those who feel the extra price of the R89 is worth it to them in terms of shave. I don't accept that the HD is too aggressive for beginners (except perhaps with Feathers) nor see how anyone with experience with that razor (and appropriate blades) would take that position. [EDIT: I see the person who made that statement had Merkur experience with the 38R, a longer, heavier, and reputedly more aggressive razor than the 34C]

I was a little surprised at the price of the R89, but I believe I actually paid a bit less for my EJ than I did for the 34C. Either way, the increase in comfort and the fantastic build quality of the Muhle head is worth a premium, IMO.

Finally, the quality of the Merkur I received is impeccable--this coming from someone who installed thousands of dollars of chrome plated parts and accessories on motorcycles. However, I can appreciate that if the Merkur quality is more variable, some would receive razors not on a par with that they received from Muhle, and that would account for the different views on Merkur quality.

My Merkur was flawless. No fit or finish issues whatsoever. I've always admired German engineering and I thought it was a beautiful piece of work. I too have some experience with small precision metal objects.

Then I received my EJ DE89L and, as if touched by God's own hand, the fog was lifted from my eyes. The Merkur suddenly looked like it had been cobbled together from recycled oil drums by blind Pakistani Alzheimer victims. O.K., I exaggerate a little. But the side-by-side difference was stunning.

Perhaps this glaring improvement in fit and finish had a psychological influence in my conclusion that the EJ shaves smoother. Maybe the fact that it is smoother contributes to my technique or some other factor resulting in the perception that it shaves closer. I don't know what it is exactly. All I know is that alternating between the Merkur and the EJ led to the quick sale of the HD and has all but put an end to my RAD. I wish I had started with the EJ, or at least the Muhle head.

Again, for any newbies out there contemplating an EJ but put off by the slick looking handle; Don't give it another thought. If you're such an uncoordinated klutz that you have grip problems with an EJ, you're probably going to hurt yourself with any safety razor. Oh.....and you need to seek medical attention from a qualified neurologist.

that looks pretty nice.

I have no use for a mild shaver. I wonder if this head in the open comb would be slightly more aggressive? I imagine it would.

that looks pretty nice.

I have no use for a mild shaver. I wonder if this head in the open comb would be slightly more aggressive? I imagine it would.

Snatch it up quickly if you are interested in the open comb Muhle, I hear it's been discontinued, and is no longer listed in the catalog on Muhle's site.

I was a little surprised at the price of the R89, but I believe I actually paid a bit less for my EJ than I did for the 34C. Either way, the increase in comfort and the fantastic build quality of the Muhle head is worth a premium, IMO.

I am a little surprised to see the mere $10 cost difference between the HD, and Muhle become such a factor.

In the US, that $10 difference is the equivalent between eating out at McDonald's tonight, or staying home, and eating what is already in your house.

I understand for people who are cash strapped, $10 bucks can matter, but considering how wasteful the average American is with their purchasing, I would have thought this would not be a deciding factor. :ohmy:

I'm happy for those who feel the extra price of the R89 is worth it to them in terms of shave. I don't accept that the HD is too aggressive for beginners (except perhaps with Feathers) nor see how anyone with experience with that razor (and appropriate blades) would take that position. [EDIT: I see the person who made that statement had Merkur experience with the 38R, a longer, heavier, and reputedly more aggressive razor than the 34C]

Let me clarify a little:

The "Merkur HD is too aggressive for a newbie claim" is based upon a couple of factors.

-Newbies with no technique are best served with a mild razor, that is thus more forgiving of technique mistakes. My usual recommendation is a Gillette Tech, or Gillette Superspeed.

-If you look at this chart of Aggressiveness:

DE Razors ranked by Aggressiveness

You will see the following:

Tech: .56mm
40's Superspeed: .64mm
Merkur HD: .71mm
Merkur 38C: .64mm (an oddball measurement, considering the head is the same as the HD).

-As you can see, the Merkur HD is considerably more aggressive than either a Tech, or Superspeed.

(I am not claiming this chart is the end all be all on Aggression, but it's one of the few tools we have to use.)

-I am not sure how the Merkur HD became the defacto recommendation for newbies, but I am firm in my belief that newbies are better served with a milder razor.

By the way, when I owned the Merkur 38C, I am pretty sure I was using Derby blades, as this was early in my adventures, and I used only Derby blades for the first few months.

P.S. Don't be so quick to write off the opinions of others who differ from your own. Just because you think the Merkur HD is the best razor ever, doesn't mean everyone else feels that way!! Your Millage May Vary, and In My Honest Opinion are the rule of the land around here!!
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I like the look of the R89 handle, but it's time to put the "slick handle" rumor to rest. I have a EJ DE89L. It replaced a 34C. Every time I read about the slick handle of the EJ, I think back to my last shave and resolve to take special note of the issue during my next shave. I cannot recall one single instance of slippage or near-slippage, or even one time when it ever became a conscious issue, regardless of what soap was in use. Also, my EJ has been polished with Metalwax so it is even more "slick" than it was out of the box. In use however, grip has never been an issue. Not even once.

I have heard similar things from users of the unlined EJ DE89. I tend to believe them since I can't see what significant functional improvement the lines would make since they aren't knurled or textured in any way.

So, believe it or not, the EJ handles (at least the "L") are NOT slippery when soapy or wet. Not one bit. I know it's counter-intuitive, but I'm telling you it's true. Hear me now. Believe me later!!

I don't notice a big difference between the ultimate closeness of the 34C and the 89, but I did notice that the 89 feels more comfortable and smooth with the Iridiums or Personnas that I usually use. Given the same resultant shave, the 89 seems to get me there easier.

I was a little surprised at the price of the R89, but I believe I actually paid a bit less for my EJ than I did for the 34C. Either way, the increase in comfort and the fantastic build quality of the Muhle head is worth a premium, IMO.

My Merkur was flawless. No fit or finish issues whatsoever. I've always admired German engineering and I thought it was a beautiful piece of work. I too have some experience with small precision metal objects.

Then I received my EJ DE89L and, as if touched by God's own hand, the fog was lifted from my eyes. The Merkur suddenly looked like it had been cobbled together from recycled oil drums by blind Pakistani Alzheimer victims. O.K., I exaggerate a little. But the side-by-side difference was stunning.

Perhaps this glaring improvement in fit and finish had a psychological influence in my conclusion that the EJ shaves smoother. Maybe the fact that it is smoother contributes to my technique or some other factor resulting in the perception that it shaves closer. I don't know what it is exactly. All I know is that alternating between the Merkur and the EJ led to the quick sale of the HD and has all but put an end to my RAD. I wish I had started with the EJ, or at least the Muhle head.

Again, for any newbies out there contemplating an EJ but put off by the slick looking handle; Don't give it another thought. If you're such an uncoordinated klutz that you have grip problems with an EJ, you're probably going to hurt yourself with any safety razor. Oh.....and you need to seek medical attention from a qualified neurologist.

+1 thanks Pete you saved me a lot of writing. :wink2:
Good to hear there are other satisfied users of this nice razor. I've not seen many reports on these, compared to Merkur and vintage Gillettes, so it's nice to see there are others getting good results with them too.

I've been shaving daily with the Mühle R89 since January 2nd of this year. I have to say I'm very happy with how well it shaves so far, using various blades from a sample pack I purchased.

This is actually the 2nd closed comb version of the Mühle R89 I'm using. The first one I recieved came with two minor issues, (being a marred finish on the head, and something loose inside the handle which rattled), which were promptly resolved after a dialog with Christian Müller at Hans-Jürgen Müller GmbH & Co., who I must say takes the quality issues of their products very seriously, and wasted no time making things right. He directed me to keep the razor I had, and sent me a new one priority air.

So now I'm actually the owner of two of these things. I am using the good one here at home, and decided to use the flawed one as part of my travel kit, that way if it becomes lost, it's won't be as much of a heartbreak.

I very much enjoy the balance of the razor, it's slightly head heavy, which for me seems to make it a little easier to control than my Gillette Adjustable long-hadle, and my Gillette Super Speed. The Mühle R89 has definitely found it's place as my #1 hair removal tool.
I am a little surprised to see the mere $10 cost difference between the HD, and Muhle become such a factor.

In the US, that $10 difference is the equivalent between eating out at McDonald's tonight, or staying home, and eating what is already in your house.

I understand for people who are cash strapped, $10 bucks can matter, but considering how wasteful the average American is with their purchasing, I would have thought this would not be a deciding factor. :ohmy:

Don't get me wrong. The R89 I saw was over $60. I think I paid around $40 for the EJ and the HD. Still, it's not an issue with me. I'd gladly pay an extra $10-20 for the Muhle instead of the Merkur. I just didn't have to.:thumbup1:

that looks pretty nice.

I have no use for a mild shaver. I wonder if this head in the open comb would be slightly more aggressive? I imagine it would.

I have a Mühle R41, a Merkur 12C, and an EJ DE89L (closed comb). They all have the same style of head - though the 12C is a 2 piece razor and the R41/89L are 3 piece. The "aggressiveness" of the open combs is the same, but they shave very differently. The R41 is 1.85 oz and the 12C is 3.9oz. I've been using a DE since September and razor burn has been my number one issue. I cannot get through a shave with the 12C without getting burn if I use a new or very sharp blade. I won't use a Feather in it ever again. The R41, because of the lightness, needs a new or sharp blade. My EJ DE89L (closed comb) weighs 2.5 oz and seems to be in the sweet spot for weight which allows me to use the widest variety of blades - manufacturers and times used. I am moving to the lighter razors to overcome the burning problem. I don't see any difference with the combs for aggressiveness. I think weight is more of an issue with these style razors. I've never used a vintage Gillette.

As for finish, all of them (Merkur, EJ, and Muehle) have very similar finish in the head. The cap is beautifully chromed on the top, and they have a satin-like finish underneath the cap piece. It's poorly done in all of them - IMO. As for the handles, the EJ and Muehle handles are much nicer than the Merkur....much nicer, and worth the cost.
I am a bit surprised about the relatively big difference in price between the HD and the R-89 in the US.

Here (in the Netherlands) the difference is just 40 eurocents; the HD goes for 29.50 and the Mühle for 29.90. And they are travelling the same distance to get to you. :001_huh:
P.S. Don't be so quick to write off the opinions of others who differ from your own.

I don't--just those who disparage a product they have no experience with (i.e. the Merkur 34C) to promote another product with which they have little (or no) experience with. This BTW, is where you recommended the R89 when I was looking for a razor/blade combo more aggressive than the 34C/Personna.

Just because you think the Merkur HD is the best razor ever, doesn't mean everyone else feels that way!!

I never said that was the case, in particular because I have as little experience with the 34C as you do the R89, but I do give more credibility to those who've actually used the 34C.

Your Millage May Very, and In My Honest Opinion are the rule of the land around here!!

Did you mean "vary"? :wink2:
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