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First Shave with Gem Junior

Yesterday I had my first shave with a Gem Junior Patent 1912. Having shave quite a bit with injectors, I got the angle down pretty quick. It was a joy to hear the blade sing as it went through the whiskers. With two passes and a touch up I had a shave that SWMBO herself said was BBS. It was much simpler to use that I had feared it would be.
I do have one problem. What do I do with the blade after a shave? I figured that I should not leave it in the razor. So I took it out, carefully dried it and left it out but this all seems like a bit of a pain.

Pretty cool sound isn't it? I used a 1924 Ever Ready this morning and if anything it seemed even louder than a 1912. I usually dry the blade, dip it in alcohol then put it in a drawer until the next time I use it. I seldom ever use the same razor two days in a row but if I did I'd probably just leave it in until next use.
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Yesterday I had my first shave with a Gem Junior Patent 1912. Having shave quite a bit with injectors, I got the angle down pretty quick. It was a joy to hear the blade sing as it went through the whiskers. With two passes and a touch up I had a shave that SWMBO herself said was BBS. It was much simpler to use that I had feared it would be.
I do have one problem. What do I do with the blade after a shave? I figured that I should not leave it in the razor. So I took it out, carefully dried it and left it out but this all seems like a bit of a pain.


I take it out of the razor, rinse it off, palm strop it, blowdry it, and leave it in the cabinet on top of the blade dispenser.
My favorite Gem. I rinse, take blade out, dry razor, pat dry blade, put blade back in, done. No hassel, I do this every time I shave with all my razors and blades.:ohmy:
What do I do with the blade after a shave? I figured that I should not leave it in the razor. So I took it out, carefully dried it and left it out but this all seems like a bit of a pain.

If you are using stainless blades, simply leave the blade in the razor. I use GEM Stainless PTFE coated and only take the blade out to change it. I shave pretty much 100% with a straight so rarely use my GEM anymore but recently I had reason to use it ...

I am learning to hone my own straights and due to a poor honing job found myself without a shave-ready straight. I picked up my GEM Jr, which I hadn't used in four months. It had a blade already in it. I figured I'd give it a try and it shaved perfectly.

Non-stainless blades are a different story. They rust just by looking at them the wrong way. :001_smile
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