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First shave with Feather Artist RG

Got a Feather Artist yesterday (having talked myself out of my plans to buy a whipped-dog deal, when I looked around our tiny bathroom, and couldn't work out where a strop could go, and when my wife asked when I was going to find time to learn to hone)

Loaded it up with a pro blade (possibly a little optimistic, but I've been using a Bluebeard's Revenge shavette with 1/2 an Astra SP, so figured I could risk it).

I was dead impressed with the WTG pass. Excellent results with next-to-no effort, and the XTG passes worked well too, but the ATG pass was hard work. The blade seemed to keep catching on hairs, rather than cutting them. No significant cuts, but a handful of tiny pinpricks, and overall, impressively smooth, to the point that SWMBO commented (having got a little blase recently)

So. Day 1. Some minor nicks, but a great shave. Today I intend to make my lather a little softer, and see how we go.....
Shave #1 ATG usually results in weepers unless you are on a really good day. Shaves 3 through 8 usually are the "sweet spot" for sharp plus comfort.

The more you use a Feather exclusively the better the shaves get. If you jump back and forth between it and a regular straight you don't develop The Touch the Feather requires.
I really enjoy the shaves delivered by Feather straights, but i prefer KAI blades, try some if you can, especially the PINK mild blades, they are superb. Iwould send you some to try but since im in Mexico you will understand its not so easy.
But the main issue is: master yor feather straight and you will never be happy with any other razor, at least that was my case.

That went ok for a first time! The difficulty you experienced with the ATG is due to the angle used. After a few shaves you'll find the optimal angle and shaves will only get (a lot) better. As of late I found that 2 passes WTG get me just as good a BBS as WTG-ATG. Enjoy your Feather!
The Wise One (TWO) Serephim echoes my experience. I use them more than 70% of the time now. I just took on a position that has me scrambling in the morning (third career of all things - see famous quote "I'm getting too old for this ..."). Today, I decided to use a DE for speed (first time in a year) and am sitting here with a CCS that took as much time as a DFS would with the AC. ACs are the nuts. I do a three pass most times because I get such great results. At 10 pm, I can still rub my face and say I am clean shaven. I have a Cobra that I also use (kinda like a cross between a DE and a straight) and it gives me close shaves but the guard bar on it makes me work to get a DFS or better. I like to use a blade that has three or four shaves on it - very comfortable and the results are great. New blades require a defter touch but are still better than most things. I go back to a straight if I got a little close with the AC on a previous shave - a straight is milder still but gives that DFS that I like.

I use the AC on camping trips - look for a medium lather that won't dry too much before the last stroke.


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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
You can also throw in another pass to further reduce the whisker length before your ATG.
Thanks for the pointers.

Days 2 and 3 have been an improvement. Yesterday, I just had a couple of tiny marks, and the same today, although one of them was bleeding properly, and actually required the styptic pencil for the first time in a while. My wife is particularly impressed though - the results seem particularly long lasting.

I've reduced the angle between the blade and my face, and this certainly seems to be making things a fair bit smoother, and a wetter lather certainly seems to lubricate better.
Day four went better again. Only two tiny points, both of which cleared up with a splash of cold water, and I felt brave enough to use the alcohol-based splash rather than the balm. Stung a little, but not bad. Excellent results - even provoking a 'Wow!' from SWMBO.

Now, 19 hours later, I'm just beginning to feel stubble ATG, and WTG it still feels smooth.

Should have said earlier, always using hot water to wash, hot towel, Proraso green preshave.
Proraso Red cream, lathered with an Edwin Jagger super badger brush (bowl lathered)
Feather Professional blades (I'm going to try some Kais in a few weeks, if I can find somewhere that sells them in the UK, my google-fu is coming up short...)
And either TOBS vintage Lime #74 cologne or Castle Forbes Lime balm (I like lime!) depending on how my skin feels afterwards.
It will get better and better with time, in a few weeks you might try out some other razor and feel disappointed about the resulting shave. Since I started using the Feather system my straights don't see much use anymore. Neither do my DE's (with the exception of my Cobra Classic that uses the same Feather blades). For the kai blades have a look here: http://tinyurl.com/cqjs7yw
Thanks Snuff-Belgium. I shall now be trying some in a few weeks time....

5th Day was great. Very smooth, very comfortable. Great results, and no blood. Just got to remember not to get too overconfident now!!
Nothing much to add performance wise on days six or seven. I did learn something though.

Typically, I open the razor, and hang it from the drying rail, to allow any water in the head to drip off. Today, I brushed the nylon string. Now there's two, short strings. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again. Fortunately, I never let go of the razor, so I'm not having to rush off for stitches.....

Still on the first blade. Seems to be fine still. I reversed it today though.... No noticeable difference...
I was experienced with both DE and standard straights before I went to the Feather Artist Club. I think it is easier going from a standard straight to the AC, because the AC is more demanding and less forgiving. But there was still a learning curve. I started with the AC RG, but purchased the SS (which I think now replaces the RG) several months ago. IMO, the SS handle is more comfortable and head has been redesigned. I have since also purchased a KAI Captain Standard, which is similar to the Feather and uses the same blades. Initially I started with the Feather ProGuard and KAI Captain Mild guard blades until I was satisfied with my technique, then moved to the Feather Professional and KAI Captain Mild blades. I also use a Cobra, which uses the same incredibly sharp blades. I think the KAI blades are just a little smoother than the Feathers. Once you use these blades, it's hard going back to a DE.
I'm going to have to check out the KAI blades. I have to agree the Feather blades are a bit too sharp and all. One of the best tips I have for using the Feather AC is to go as light on your stroke as you can. When I originally started with it, I was putting too much pressure on my face with the blade and ended up with some nice nicks. Now, what I do is lather up, putting on a thin coating of lather. Then when I shave, my intent is to lightly wipe off the lather with the blade, keeping it as flat on my face as possible. This does the job very well for me, and oh, I also go ATG on every pass (usually 3 passes total). I can't get any kind of a good shave WTG.

Good Luck!
Now, what I do is lather up, putting on a thin coating of lather. Then when I shave, my intent is to lightly wipe off the lather with the blade, keeping it as flat on my face as possible.
I have also found that I get better results if I use a wetter lather than I typically would with a DE.
That went ok for a first time! The difficulty you experienced with the ATG is due to the angle used. After a few shaves you'll find the optimal angle and shaves will only get (a lot) better. As of late I found that 2 passes WTG get me just as good a BBS as WTG-ATG. Enjoy your Feather!

+1. One gets spoiled with the Feather blades - and then tends to consider everything else dull...

BTW Snuff - I really enjoy the Excelia and the Kai Mild is a really smooth blade ;)
Well, I dropped it, and so I changed the blade after day 8, but it still seemed to be going strong at that point. At least I managed not to react and try to catch it.....

New blade went in on Friday. Picked up a couple of tiny marks (probably just too relaxed now), but fantastically smooth - I shaved at around 6pm, and was still BBS when I woke up (mostly - a few bits had some stubble ATG). Saturday was good, but I was a little sore when I scratched my neck on Sunday morning, so I took it easy, just a two pass WTG/XTG shave on Sunday night. Back to my normal four passes tonight though..... Don't like that scratchy feeling any more (never used to bother me....)

I've now shaved with either my shavette or the Feather for the past two weeks solid (three days with the shavette, before the RG arrived), and I've got to say I much prefer it to a DE..... It's taken a while to get the hang of not pressing at all (much harder than with a DE), and judging by Sunday morning, I don't always succeed, but by and large, I love it.
I usually get 10-12 shaves with a blade. And perhaps they could go a few more as well, but I have an urge to futz with stuff, and so I usually change it out just to see what it's like with a freshie.
+1. One gets spoiled with the Feather blades - and then tends to consider everything else dull...

BTW Snuff - I really enjoy the Excelia and the Kai Mild is a really smooth blade ;)

Your welcome! I have been shaving the past week with my cobra loaded with a super pro blade and it's so good ..... but the feather or kai razors are easier to shave the head IMHO.
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