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First shave with a merkur progress

I had my first shave with my progress tonight and overall I am pleased. I'm coming from a hd slant so it is definitely more gentle but still is going to take some practice which I'm definitely looking forward to.
I think you will love your Progress. I can get a closer and definitely a more comfortable shave with my Progress than I ever could with the Slant. Once you hit on the right blade combination you will be hooked. Enjoy!
I have also tried the Progress for the first time a few days ago and have used it twice. I usually use an HD. The increased weight and size will definitely take some getting used to. I usually use Feathers, which work great for me in the HD. But in the Progress, even on setting 1, I found myself with many cuts. Anyone use Feathers in their Progress?
I have also tried the Progress for the first time a few days ago and have used it twice. I usually use an HD. The increased weight and size will definitely take some getting used to. I usually use Feathers, which work great for me in the HD. But in the Progress, even on setting 1, I found myself with many cuts. Anyone use Feathers in their Progress?

Try a 7 O'clock yellow or a Red Personna. I think those may work better.
I have also tried the Progress for the first time a few days ago and have used it twice. I usually use an HD. The increased weight and size will definitely take some getting used to. I usually use Feathers, which work great for me in the HD. But in the Progress, even on setting 1, I found myself with many cuts. Anyone use Feathers in their Progress?

I use feathers in my progress at a setting of 3.
I go slowly which keeps the bloodbath away...

7 o'clocks and better yet swedes work fantastic.
I didn't particularly like my Progress the first few times I used it. It seemed awkward, clumsy and unbalanced. I was using mostly Astra and Feather blades, and couldn't even get a DFS shave out of it.

Last 2 shaves, I used a Derby blade, first on 3, then on 4.5 ... much better results. Although it required a full 4 passes each time, I was able to get an almost BBS shave, with very little irritation.

Next up, I'm going to try a Super Iridium in the Progress ... I was having similar troubles getting good results from my Futur, but the S-I blade seems to have tamed it. Hopefully, it will have a similar positive effect on the Progress.

I will probably like the Progress even more once I get it "Mer"dified, to solve the balancing issues.
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