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First shave using Tech

Well guys I recently bought an old type ball end tech and after I cleaned it all up I was eager to use it. I did my usual routine and lather up. From the 1st stroke I didn't like it. To me it had this awful smell of metal and I got cut about 3 times in the first pass only. I then switched out to the reliable Merkur HD and finished up. Is it just me or did anyone else have this problem. It's open comb by the way. Don't know if that will make a difference.
There are no Open Comb Techs. What you likely have is a Gillette Ball Handled "New".

Since the original handle for the "New" had a tendency to crack (design flaw) many of them end up with replacement handles off of Gillette Techs.

Here is a picture of a Ball End Tech:


Here is a picture of a Ball End New:


I have never shaved with my "new" but some people claim it is one of the best razors ever made; therefore I don't think this is a problem with the razor. Unless it has not been properly cleaned.
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There are no Open Comb Techs. What you likely have is a Gillette Ball Handled "New".

Since the original handle for the "New" had a tendency to crack (design flaw) many of them end up with replacement handles off of Gillette Techs.

Here is a picture of a Ball End Tech:


Here is a picture of a Ball End New:


I have never shaved with my "new" but some people claim it is one of the best razors ever made; therefore I don't think this is a problem with the razor. Unless it has not been properly cleaned.

I have the bottom pictures handle but the top doesn't have the slot in the head. And it's teeth are curved. In that one they kinda stop and then just go down.
I recently picked up one of these as well. I noticed the samething with my first shave with the Tech but like any razor it takes a few uses before learning all of the intricacies. I've used it a few times since and it is one of the smoother shaves I've ever received. Don't give up just yet!
I recently picked up one of these as well. I noticed the samething with my first shave with the Tech but like any razor it takes a few uses before learning all of the intricacies. I've used it a few times since and it is one of the smoother shaves I've ever received. Don't give up just yet!

Thanks. I'll give it another shot.
I have the bottom pictures handle but the top doesn't have the slot in the head. And it's teeth are curved. In that one they kinda stop and then just go down.

You have an Old Style.
Two nubs on the cap that extend through the guard, right? The guard has three holes?

Yeah, they suck.

ETA: The "curved teeth" has to mean an Old or a pretty rare Goodwill. My money is on the Old.
They have trouble getting the blade with even exposure, then they cut you up with the over-exposed part of the blade.
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Yeah, they suck.

ETA: The "curved teeth" has to mean an Old or a pretty rare Goodwill. My money is on the Old.
They have trouble getting the blade with even exposure, then they cut you up with the over-exposed part of the blade.

Have you tried the "Old" with a shim? Did it make any difference?

I have read that since the original Gillette blades the "Old" was designed for were quite a bit thicker, a shim (like the thickness of a paper clip??) might help the blade to fit better. I have also heard of people removing the edges from a DE blade, and using the remainder for the shim. :confused:
Have you tried the "Old" with a shim? Did it make any difference?

I have read that since the original Gillette blades the "Old" was designed for were quite a bit thicker, a shim (like the thickness of a paper clip??) might help the blade to fit better. I have also heard of people removing the edges from a DE blade, and using the remainder for the shim. :confused:

No I have never used a shim. The slop is lateral in the head, and a shim would not have any effect in that aspect that I can see.

But I am a relentless experimentor. Maybe I should try that.
I think the old unidentified gold plated razor I got from my grandfather is exactly like the top one shown there. I'm pretty sure it's exactly like that, but I'll have to go pull it out and look in a bit.

Personally, I LOVE it, and I get great results if I take my time and use a good quality blade. Cheap supermarket blades and vintage ones slice me up, but since I got the Derby blades in it works great. I'm actually hoping to find another one, or something thats close to it.

Edit: Also, I can't seem to recall having any play or slop with the blade.

On the other hand, the 1961 adjustable 'Fatboy' sliced me up so bad that I'll never use it again.
You have an Old Style.
Two nubs on the cap that extend through the guard, right? The guard has three holes?

Yeah, they suck.

ETA: The "curved teeth" has to mean an Old or a pretty rare Goodwill. My money is on the Old.
They have trouble getting the blade with even exposure, then they cut you up with the over-exposed part of the blade.

Yeah I took a look. Three holes with two nubs. Here is an image that I found That is just like the one I have. (the style anyway. Mine is more shiny and gold)

How are the "New" ones? I have one of those also, but it has a smaller ball end and it has these slot type things in the handle.( for better grip I guess) How are the shaves with them? Any better? I guess I could also swap the handles because I do like the bulkiness of this handle and it has a better plating on it.
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Old Type:

For one, you don't 'need' to use a shim. I used one for several months without a shim, and came away loving it. All you need to do is, before you shave, just make sure the exposure of the blade is even on both sides. Also, Old Types are generally more aggressive than a Tech, so you may want to find yourself a Tech if you're still relatively new to this. With time, an Old Type can become one of the best razors you'll use.


The New was one of my favorite razors, up until my slant and Futur came along! Seriously though, the New the best 3-piece design Gillette made (arguably). There are a few variants of News out and about, but they're all good. I'd give the New a go before the Old Type, just to have something more forgiving to learn on.

Old Type:

For one, you don't 'need' to use a shim. I used one for several months without a shim, and came away loving it. All you need to do is, before you shave, just make sure the exposure of the blade is even on both sides. Also, Old Types are generally more aggressive than a Tech, so you may want to find yourself a Tech if you're still relatively new to this. With time, an Old Type can become one of the best razors you'll use.


The New was one of my favorite razors, up until my slant and Futur came along! Seriously though, the New the best 3-piece design Gillette made (arguably). There are a few variants of News out and about, but they're all good. I'd give the New a go before the Old Type, just to have something more forgiving to learn on.


Thanks Jim. I have the New that is in the picture above. With that slot thing in the guard and head cap. Would it matter if I switched the handles because I like the Old handle better than the one that's on the New one. It seems to fit.
Thanks Jim. I have the New that is in the picture above. With that slot thing in the guard and head cap. Would it matter if I switched the handles because I like the Old handle better than the one that's on the New one. It seems to fit.

There's no problem switching handles. If it fits, it fits. In fact, I have a 'frankenrazor' somewhere that has a New head and a fat handle from a Tech. The New was the first Gillette to be designed for the 'newer' DE blades (the modern design), so it works quite well with any blade.
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Every freaking setting you can set the f***ing thing to!
I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!

Razors should NOT have more moving parts than your rifle anyway!


First off, have you inspected the blade gap? I had a Slim that gave great shaves, but upon inspection I realized that it had a weird 'defect' that occured over time. It had gotten knocked out of calibration to the point where the blade was almost crooked on only one side.

Second, how do you adjust it? It's 'supposed' to be: put blade in, set knob, close silo doors, give 1/8 of a turn to 'lock' it tight.

Just tryin' to help, that's all.
There's no problem switching handles. If it fits, it fits. In fact, I have a 'frankenrazor' somewhere that has a New head and a fat handle from a Tech. The New was the first Gillette to be designed for the 'newer' DE blades (the modern design), so it works quite well with any blade.

As I was sitting her I took a close look at everything. I can see that the modern blades have that gap in the middle and I am guessing that the slot goes in there. I can't wait to try this puppy out. One thing though. The cap on this razor is dark in color and has light spots on it. Anyway to clean this off? It makes the razor looks awfully dirty.
As I was sitting her I took a close look at everything. I can see that the modern blades have that gap in the middle and I am guessing that the slot goes in there. I can't wait to try this puppy out. One thing though. The cap on this razor is dark in color and has light spots on it. Anyway to clean this off? It makes the razor looks awfully dirty.

A picture would help out a lot. It's hard to figure out what the 'spots' could or could not be without one.
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