Well, after reading all the guides and watching the videos, I decided it was time to start my straight razor chapter. Having shaved with a DE for a few years now, I felt it was time and I'm up to the challenge. I bought a Dovo 5/8 #4580 "Silver Steel" and a Herold strop from The Superior Shave. I know he sent me a shave ready razor. So, I tried it out today. I did my best with the stropping being completely new to the technique and didn't nick the strop but I was very slow doing 30 strokes on the linen and 60 on the leather but I'm worried that I messed the edge up somehow. I lathered up with my favorite Tabac and put blade to face. It didn't cut any hair. I tried adjusting the angle but nothing. It's like it's dull. I'm worried! What did I do wrong?