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First shave today. Hope I didn't already mess up the edge.

Well, after reading all the guides and watching the videos, I decided it was time to start my straight razor chapter. Having shaved with a DE for a few years now, I felt it was time and I'm up to the challenge. I bought a Dovo 5/8 #4580 "Silver Steel" and a Herold strop from The Superior Shave. I know he sent me a shave ready razor. So, I tried it out today. I did my best with the stropping being completely new to the technique and didn't nick the strop but I was very slow doing 30 strokes on the linen and 60 on the leather but I'm worried that I messed the edge up somehow. I lathered up with my favorite Tabac and put blade to face. It didn't cut any hair. I tried adjusting the angle but nothing. It's like it's dull. I'm worried! What did I do wrong?
For what it is worth (to me, quite a bit), what's it do if you take a single moist hair, hold it root-out with one hand, and pass it across the edge? Does it vibrate a lot? Does it catch-and-tear and sever the hair lengthwise? Does it "ping" the hair such that the end opposite your fingers goes flying off?

Or, what happens if you pass the edge over your armhair about 1/8" above the skin? Does it ping the armhair, or do you need to touch the skin for the hairs to cut?
For what it is worth (to me, quite a bit), what's it do if you take a single moist hair, hold it root-out with one hand, and pass it across the edge? Does it vibrate a lot? Does it catch-and-tear and sever the hair lengthwise? Does it "ping" the hair such that the end opposite your fingers goes flying off?

Or, what happens if you pass the edge over your armhair about 1/8" above the skin? Does it ping the armhair, or do you need to touch the skin for the hairs to cut?

With the moist hair, it just vibrates. Over my arm hair, it cuts a couple hairs above the skin.
Did you strop the razor before you shaved? If so that was not needed as the razor should have been completely shave ready. You have had to strop before the next time you shave.
Did you strop the razor before you shaved? If so that was not needed as the razor should have been completely shave ready. You have had to strop before the next time you shave.

Yes. Rookie mistake. I read that you have to strop before each shave. I didn't know.
Tried again today. Stropped again with a bit more speed. Lathered up just my left side as a test. I kept the blade flatter against my face and with a bit more confidence (key word!) started. It didn't seem like anything was happening but then I noticed stubble when I wiped the blade. So it does in fact cut hair. How well? I have no reference other than DE blades. Newbie technique might be to blame here.
Yes. Rookie mistake. I read that you have to strop before each shave. I didn't know.

nah, not a rookie mistake to strop a razor...you're typically supposed to strop a razor before each shave, no worries there.

The trick here for this one special case is that for a brand-spankin' first timer, the advice when purchasing a true shave-ready razor is often "don't strop before your first shave", as it was likely stropped before shipping to you. That way when it arrives, you will have a known-good edge to base future experience on. If you strop it beforehand, there is the possibility you might strop it wrong (hey, it happens to many of us), and thus run the risk of never experiencing the well-honed edge and always wondering if you stropped it wrong if it doesn't work. If you bung up the edge stropping after your first shave, then when you shave the second time, you'll know that it was the stropping that was the issue. Make sense?

From here, I'd strop it some more and check if the edge is getting better...if so, strop it more and more and mas (you are keeping the spine on the taut strop leather the whole time, right, and just flipping it over the spine and not pushing much at all on the edge, right? :lol: ) If it won't get better or you're convinced that its the tool and not the guy holding the tool, then I'd send it out. Obiwan beat me to the honing offer...oh well. You'll do fine! Don't give up hope! :)
Tried again today. Stropped again with a bit more speed. Lathered up just my left side as a test. I kept the blade flatter against my face and with a bit more confidence (key word!) started. It didn't seem like anything was happening but then I noticed stubble when I wiped the blade. So it does in fact cut hair. How well? I have no reference other than DE blades. Newbie technique might be to blame here.

oop! co-posted. Sounds like you're on your way. yeah, that first shave often results in "this thing is dull!", mainly due to technique, not razor. You'd be surprised at how dull a razor can be and still cut whiskers (though not comfortably). Or putting it differently, once you get an edge that can cut whiskers, I'm still amazed at just how much more sharp it can get :)
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