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First shave feedback and questions

Hi all,
After trawling through the straight section for weeks I finally plucked up the courage to take the plunge. I bought a Dovo Best Quality 5/8 and a filly strop. The strop hasn't arriveso can't go onto shave 2 before it does. The razor was 'Shave ready'.

So I basically only had the courage to do one WTG pass just on the face. I plan to then move onto face and neck in due time, the XTG and ATG etc. I finished off with my trusted DE (been shaving with it for a year). No nicks or cuts so I was very happy with that, but as I expected the shave wasn't very good at all. The blade didn't feel sharp enough but I have heard a lot of first timers feel that when in fact it is just technique. My strokes were very hesitant and maybe it was this that lead to quite a bit of irratation? The razor jumped at one point and I expected a cut above my lips, however all I got was a lot of irritation. Am I right in saying technique is to blame for these problems or could the blade not be sharp enough. I'm sure it is the former and I am sure that the honer has far more skill thn I do at shaving!

I am sure I will grow to love this especially as results pick up, thanks guys for encouraging peple to make the jump!
If you are certain the razor came shave-ready it is definitely your technique that is lacking and quite possible so even though :001_smile

As a fairly newbie myself to straight shaving, I can tell that it is so easy to get things wrong in the beginning.
I had almost too much respect for the blade and was shaving too slow and as you mention without confidence. Then there is the pressure you should not apply and of course the right angle, which can be hard to obtain while trying to remember all the other things and handling the blade :001_smile

The best advice I had, and it really improved my shaves from then on, was to take confident strokes. Don't try to make long strokes across the whole face, it is better to take small but confident strokes.
Angle is quite important also, I think it is better to have the spine closer to your face than away from it. If the spine is too far away (above the magic 30°) you are in risk of getting irritation or even serious razor burn - and having tried that, I'm telling you, you don't want that.

Other than that, the best advice is to keep at it - the learning curve is long but well worth it.

Happy shaving :biggrin1:
Where did you buy the razor from?

Dovo will try to claim their razors are shave ready from the factory, but are in reality far from it.

Assuming the blade was in fact honed by a respected honer, then what you have is totally a technique issue.

Welcome to the adventures of straight shaving. :thumbup1:
I would like to repeat what was said above about Dovo razors. Or, at least the brand new one I just received. It was not even close to shave ready. True, it was very sharp. And, I suspect to someone who doesn't know the difference it might appear shave ready. But, it wasn't.

Unless your beard is extremely tough, you have some lighter spots. Maybe right under your sideburn on your cheek. Wherever that light beard section is, your razor should just whisk thru the whiskers. If not whisk, it should at least cut easily without pausing or bucking or stopping.
You certainly need to evaluate whether the blade is truly shave-ready. If it is then there are two points I would add. First, the feel of a straight shave on my beard is different from the feel of a DE shave. I think many people move from DE to straights and expec the feel of the blade on the face to be the same. It's not, at least not on me. I feel and hear the straight more. This does not mean the razor should tug or pull your beard, if that is what's happening then your razor is not shave-ready.

Secondly, I leared to have confidence in my pass with the razor. Hesitating and overthinking the pass, is almost as bad as not being careful. Don't overthink the pass. Start with a low blade angle and increase it, if necessary. But, be confident. Get the razor to your face and through the pass.
Bought from the invisibleedge who is wel respected am I right in saying? It was billed as honed and shave ready. So must be a technique issue... Better go work on the technique!!
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