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First roll through the Vitomatic IIa

Having a baby sure takes up a lot of time. I finally got a chance to get through all 35 exposures on the roll of Ektar I loaded in my new (to me) rangefinder.

For those who didn't see my initial thread, this is a film rangefinder camera from 1960. It has a fixed 50mm lens that cannot be changed.

Here are some of the keepers. Film is Kodak Ektar 100 processed at a local drug store and scanned in.

Sunflowers from stand at a local farmers market

Our Westie being a showoff

Feeble attempt at Architecture

Heirloom Tomatoes

SC Peaches
Finally, one of Molly in her car seat. I tried a few more inside that didn't turn out. This film being 100 ISO, I wasn't able to get enough light, so the pics are very grainy and funky colors. This is the best I've been able to get on film since we have not had her outside a lot in the duration of this roll. .

Finally, one of Molly in her car seat. I tried a few more inside that didn't turn out. This film being 100 ISO, I wasn't able to get enough light, so the pics are very grainy and funky colors. This is the best I've been able to get on film since we have not had her outside a lot in the duration of this roll. .

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Do I lose my man card if I say, awwwww, she's beautiful!

Thanks for sharing your great photos. Enjoy your beautiful daughter and your shaves.

Some very nice pictures and a lovely young lady. Great color. If I remember right, the Vitomatic is a Voightlander; many years back (1957 or 58) I had a Vitessa L, which was a great camera. Voightlander made excellent cameras that were little precision jewels and a joy to use. While I prefer film for B&W, those pictures have a nice, warm feel.
Yes, it is a Voigtlander rangefinder with a fixed 50mm Color Skopar lens. Its a solid little brick of a camera.

I prefer B&W too, since I process it at home. I wanted to give Ektar a try. Overall, I'm pretty pleased.
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