Tonight I had my first shave with a real straight razor. I received my sight unseen from Whipped Dog. it is made by the Cattaraugus Cuttlery Company, which I have not heard of. I will post a picture at the bottom of this post. Anyhow, before this I had only shaved with a shavette, so my expectations were that it would be similar but slightly different.
How very wrong I was. The blade is much more dull than a DE blade in the shavette, but this is actually much better. It isn't harsh on the skin and is more forgiving of mistakes. It was also WAY easier to hold. It didn't feel as slippery, or rotate in my fingers at bad times. Overall it was much easier to shave with. I am glad I gave it a chance. So if anyone has used a shavette, and contemplated making the switch I would suggest it. It is an elegant tool that I will work patently to master one day.

How very wrong I was. The blade is much more dull than a DE blade in the shavette, but this is actually much better. It isn't harsh on the skin and is more forgiving of mistakes. It was also WAY easier to hold. It didn't feel as slippery, or rotate in my fingers at bad times. Overall it was much easier to shave with. I am glad I gave it a chance. So if anyone has used a shavette, and contemplated making the switch I would suggest it. It is an elegant tool that I will work patently to master one day.