There seems to be a dark cloud that hangs over the shavette style straights here on the B&B. For me I don't have the time to maintain a "real" straight and don't really want to bother with it. I shave with a slant normally so I wanted something that could straighten out my sideburns. So I opted for a Parker SR1 shavette on a recommendation from a B&B member.
All in all, it wasn't that bad. The build quality is ok and it has a little heft to it so it's not too light. At the sub $20 price point it's fine by me. Loading a blade was a snap, simply line up the blade on the 2 pins and lock the top & bottom together. Some Shark blades came with it so I gave those a try. I haven't used them before.
I lathered up & proceeded to wield my straight for the first time. Hmm, turns out doing my sideburns was pretty tough considering I was blocking my view of myself in the mirror.
Anyway, I was able to do a slow first pass without too much trouble. Under the nose was tricky & I dug the blade in once there. I did a second pass sort of XTG & ATG on my neck. That turned out better than I expected. A few nicks here and there but not that bad. After all was said and done in most places it was DFS bordering on BBS. There was definitely more burn than normal when I splashed with water & then with some Booster's Polar Ice. Once I get my technique down I think I'm going to have a hard time not picking this thing up in the morning.
My hair is moderately coarse and I usually shave every other day. The shavette does allow me to practice wielding a straight and training my hands. So for that, I would say it's a cheap way to get introduced to straights. If you're interested I would say give it a try.
I just finished my second shave with the SR1 and I did a number on myself for sure
I still stand by my initial impressions, but next time I'll be going slower & I think I only need 2 passes with this thing. I got a little to aggressive with some angles I should not have tried. Live and learn.
All in all, it wasn't that bad. The build quality is ok and it has a little heft to it so it's not too light. At the sub $20 price point it's fine by me. Loading a blade was a snap, simply line up the blade on the 2 pins and lock the top & bottom together. Some Shark blades came with it so I gave those a try. I haven't used them before.
I lathered up & proceeded to wield my straight for the first time. Hmm, turns out doing my sideburns was pretty tough considering I was blocking my view of myself in the mirror.
My hair is moderately coarse and I usually shave every other day. The shavette does allow me to practice wielding a straight and training my hands. So for that, I would say it's a cheap way to get introduced to straights. If you're interested I would say give it a try.
I just finished my second shave with the SR1 and I did a number on myself for sure