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first hone on the way

After a first DE shave, a first straight shave, first brush and first razor bought to restore, here comes the first hone! I'm starting to think I should stop reading on these forums!! ;)

Anyhow, I have put in an order for a Naniwa 3/8k from Classic Edge, and was wondering if it needed special attention when it got here before I tried using it on some ebay straights?

I've read about flattening the hones before using them?

I probably need to make a run to the hardware store to get all sorts of sanding papers to be able to correclty restore some of the razors I got, so might as well do a little shopping list to make sure I don't forget anything.

Also another question: Can I use lapping films using the hone as a flat layer underneath? I was thinking if I need to set the bevel (quite surely) on these razors, it might be slow on the 3k side, and thus maybe I could get some lapping films just for this step...
Congrats. As you may already know, the naniwa requires lapping often. I'd get in the habbit of a quick touck up before or after every use to avoid it getting bad.
Hmm no I didn't know actually!

I've searched all morning to find good info about lapping, seems most people recommend getting a DMT, but it seems overpriced here in Canada. So if I understand correctly, the alternative is to use a granite/glass plate with wet/dry sandpaper...?
Thanks, I'll update my shopping list for the hardware store! I should have the stone by the end of the week hopefully, so I can have some fun next weekend!
I use sandpaper to lap my 1k. Works great. Have a flat marble tile(5 bucks) and 400 grit wet dry sandpaper. It's all you need.

recently, Gamma pointed out that its a good idea to lap under running water.
Got the hone yesterday from Classic Edge! They were even nice enough as to include a small slurry stone as a gift!! (I did order a few times in the last months...).
I'll probably try to lap it to day, and see if I can't sharpen my old Genco with it.

IMO a 8k needs to be really maxed out for a comfortable shave-it could be done but not easily.

I see a 12K stone in your future-Naniwa makes a nice one, look at the C12Ks also.
hahaha thank you for reading in my future ;)

I actually gave it a try this afternoon. I lapped both sides with 1000grit 3m wet/dry paper. I have this Genco I'm restoring, I don't have the scales for it yet but I tried to hone it anyway just for the heck of it.
After the 3000k, it was cutting arm easily half-way. I then tried the 8k, did a big bunch of x-strokes, and then strop it, then tried HHT, and it passed but only at 1 spot on the blade... By comparison, all 3 other razors I have (which I received shave-ready) pass the test with the same hair.

I'm guessing either I need to work more on the 8k, or like you say...I need something finer?

The Naniwa 12k is a bit expensive at ~$100, maybe I could work it out with some lapping films in the meantime?
Actually I already have crox+balsa in the kit I got from Whipped Dog. I haven't tried it because I figured my finishing on the 8k wasn't all that good and it wasn't worth trying to polish it further, but I'll give it a try soon for sure.
If it was me i would keep going untill i could get a super shave of the 8k hone ...there is not much differance using afinisher on a 8k edge ..i have shaved of 8k naniwa and 8k norton and the shaves are comfortable and realy fine by any standards ...i found using a coticule with water about 30 to 75 laps just gave that natural feel and left the edge just that tiny bit nicer ...so you realy have to max out the edge with the stones .. the crox on balsa will make up for that extra keeness and smoothness if your not far off which comes in handy while learning...

One thing you could do is hone on 3k and test of 3k it will shave easily but lack smothness. once you get a good pull free shave of 3k, add the 8k do 20 laps and test ..repeat untill your happy, then you no your done at 8k..se how it goes add a thew laps on crox go steady with balsa 5 at atime as crox on balsa cuts faster than you think and can lead to a harsh edge ..

Yeah this is what I was thinking about doing... However, out of curiosity, were you able to pass the HHT off the 8k stone? Of course I know it depends on the hair etc... but in my case since the HHT passes easily on the other shave-ready razors that I have, I imagine that it should pass off the 8k as well if I want it to be anywhere near as good.

If it was me i would keep going untill i could get a super shave of the 8k hone ...there is not much differance using afinisher on a 8k edge ..i have shaved of 8k naniwa and 8k norton and the shaves are comfortable and realy fine by any standards ...i found using a coticule with water about 30 to 75 laps just gave that natural feel and left the edge just that tiny bit nicer ...so you realy have to max out the edge with the stones .. the crox on balsa will make up for that extra keeness and smoothness if your not far off which comes in handy while learning...

One thing you could do is hone on 3k and test of 3k it will shave easily but lack smothness. once you get a good pull free shave of 3k, add the 8k do 20 laps and test ..repeat untill your happy, then you no your done at 8k..se how it goes add a thew laps on crox go steady with balsa 5 at atime as crox on balsa cuts faster than you think and can lead to a harsh edge ..

No I don't have a 1k yet ;) I imagine I will get one in the near future...and a DMT for lapping too...and then a finishing stone... (where does it end!??).

However if possible I'd like to get develop some skills with the Naniwa first and then expand my stone collection ;) I checked and the 12k Naniwa is about $100, the 1k is about $45, and the dmt is about $75... hopefully I can put off buying it all for a while since I've spent so much already. Although its developping into a very nice hobby.

Oh yeah and the strop....I guess I'll have to upgrade from the WD poor man strop at some point too ;) I haven't nicked it too bad yet though.
is there a 1k for bevel (edge) setting?..what about a fancy finishing stone..:drool:


No I don't have a 1k yet ;) I imagine I will get one in the near future...and a DMT for lapping too...and then a finishing stone... (where does it end!??).

However if possible I'd like to get develop some skills with the Naniwa first and then expand my stone collection ;) I checked and the 12k Naniwa is about $100, the 1k is about $45, and the dmt is about $75... hopefully I can put off buying it all for a while since I've spent so much already. Although its developping into a very nice hobby.

Oh yeah and the strop....I guess I'll have to upgrade from the WD poor man strop at some point too ;) I haven't nicked it too bad yet though.

As long as you visit whippeddog and wouldnot like to spend too much money you should have bought the quarter norton stone kit for 60 bucks plus 15 dolar 12k finisher...with 75 bucks you would have everything you need... the 60 dollars kit includes the lapping stone...there's even the 220grit side that's good for restoration like removing nicks and things like that...

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Yeah I saw that deal after I had already bought the Naniwa.

However, I shaved with my first honed razor tonight. I had tried to hone it yesterday but it didn't seem quite right, wasn't passing the HHT on the tip of the blade (but did in the middle), however today I re-honed it and it seemed slightly better. I did a few laps on crox, and then test-shaved it!

It was actually quite nice going down, quite close to the other shave-ready blades that I have, but going atg was definitely rougher. My face is much more sensitive than it usually is. But I didn't take a shower pre-shave as I usually did.

Anyway its encouraging, shaving from a razor that looked like this:

and now looks like:

I still have to file away/cut the tip, but wanted to make sure beforehand it would take an edge and shave ok, and it does!

I'm thinking i had trouble honing it right also because it has a slight smile. I did nick myself with it a bit as well, possibly because of that.

As long as you visit whippeddog and wouldnot like to spend too much money you should have bought the quarter norton stone kit for 60 bucks plus 15 dolar 12k finisher...with 75 bucks you would have everything you need... the 60 dollars kit includes the lapping stone...there's even the 220grit side that's good for restoration like removing nicks and things like that...

Yeah this is what I was thinking about doing... However, out of curiosity, were you able to pass the HHT off the 8k stone? Of course I know it depends on the hair etc... but in my case since the HHT passes easily on the other shave-ready razors that I have, I imagine that it should pass off the 8k as well if I want it to be anywhere near as good.

when i used the norton 8k yes i did get a hht pass as for naniwa i carn't remember but a shave ready edge to me always gives good shave with a hht 3 plus 4 max... i only use coticules and i can geta great shave with hht but not so good if hht fails ...... stick with 8k untill you master it then you can always add a finisher ...just keep practising..i had good success with naniwa 3k/8k using pyramid method ...
when i used the norton 8k yes i did get a hht pass as for naniwa i carn't remember but a shave ready edge to me always gives good shave with a hht 3 plus 4 max... i only use coticules and i can geta great shave with hht but not so good if hht fails ...... stick with 8k untill you master it then you can always add a finisher ...just keep practising..i had good success with naniwa 3k/8k using pyramid method ...

If I may pick your brain one more time. Do you remember having trouble setting the bevel with the naniwa combostones? I keep seeing people recommending buying a 1k to set the bevel, however, running some circles and then doing a bunch of laps (on 3k) on my ebay razors, it seemed like the bevel was set "ok", enough to shave arm hair...
I'm wondering if I'm setting it correctly because it doesn't seem to take all that long on the 3k... Then again that last razor was pretty hollow, so less steel, so possibly part of the reason.
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