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first ever straight razor shave.....

today i did my first ever straight blade shave on myself....altho i have bein doing them for years on other people...never thought about doing it to myself until i signed up for this web site.....and i must say my first shave was...ummm interesting? it was very good just one or 2 wee nicks on my left cheek (found my left hand side alot harder to do) and i almost lost a finger due to the missus coming in and distracting me....but other than that it was an awesome shave....not the cleanest i have ever had but i guess it will get better with time and technique...i am excited about doing more and more shaves with a staight blade..... yay! :001_smile


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Intresting that you never performed a straight shave on yourself before!
yeah...i have always got one of my employees to do it for me most mornings or i just use a DE razor and i watched a few videos of people doing it on themselfs so i thought why the heck not
Congratulations! I can tell you that my morning shave is the absolutely high point of my day. It's also a great hobby. Welcome to the club.
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