Hey folks
Well...after weeks (actually, I think it was months!) of perusing these forums, I finally had my first shave yesterday with a DE Safety Razor.
My weapon of choice was the Merkur Futur, loaded with a Red IP blade.
Because this was my first DE shave I set the adjustable Futur to a setting of 1.5....and to be honest, the learning curve wasn't as high as I expected it to be. My first shave was probably no better, no worse than my Gillette Mach 3 cartridge razor. I have been shaving with the Gillette Mach for 8 years now so for my FIRST DE shave to be on par with this, well, I think it's terrific! I can tell as my technique improves my shaves will eventually be of a much higher quality. Not to mention a lot more enjoyable!
I have to say that the Futur is an incredible razor! I haven't got a bad thing to say about it!! I love the weight of the razor and I love the sound it makes as it slices through your hairs. I haven't got anything to compare it with, but this may be my first and last DE razor I love it that much. For my first shave I used Taylor's Avocado cream, because it came highly regarded on these forums. I actually thought this cream would be green so I was a bit surprised when I saw white. I didn't notice much of a scent to this creme at all and I was a tad disappointed because I expected great things. However, it did lather fantastic and I felt like a pro because it lathered so easy...I guess that's why so many people love this cream...but for some reason I expected more.
I shaved WTG and then decided on a second pass (only face, not neck) XTG. I did miss a few areas and it wasn't BBS but as I said above, I'm very happy with my first attempt.
HOWEVER, I do have a very sensitive neck. Even with the Mach 3 (after years of experience) it sometimes feels like I'm dragging barbed wire across my throat. With the Merkur Futur, it didn't feel very comfortable when shaving my throat area. Let's just say that I KNEW there would be razorburn as I dragged the razor across my skin. Heaps of tiny blood 'dots' appeared (I think people on these forums refer to them as weepers?) and there was significant razor burn around my throat area. I used Trumpers Skin Food and a few hours later the razorburn was pretty much gone, fantastic stuff! However, as much as I love shaving, I never look forward to the neck region. Am I doing something wrong? Is my technique floored? Do others have a sensitive neck like me?
Based on my first shave, I'm very confident I could turn the futur up to 2 or 2.5 for my face, but I don't know how to fix this neck problem. It's something that's annoyed me for years but the DE shave probably made it a bit worse than normal.
Overall, I give the Future a 9 out of 10...and as my technique improves, this may well get upgraded to a 10. I'll write a full review in the Review section when I get the chance. Also, if anyone can assist me with my above questions regarding my neck/throat when shaving it would be much appreciated.
Well...after weeks (actually, I think it was months!) of perusing these forums, I finally had my first shave yesterday with a DE Safety Razor.
My weapon of choice was the Merkur Futur, loaded with a Red IP blade.
Because this was my first DE shave I set the adjustable Futur to a setting of 1.5....and to be honest, the learning curve wasn't as high as I expected it to be. My first shave was probably no better, no worse than my Gillette Mach 3 cartridge razor. I have been shaving with the Gillette Mach for 8 years now so for my FIRST DE shave to be on par with this, well, I think it's terrific! I can tell as my technique improves my shaves will eventually be of a much higher quality. Not to mention a lot more enjoyable!
I have to say that the Futur is an incredible razor! I haven't got a bad thing to say about it!! I love the weight of the razor and I love the sound it makes as it slices through your hairs. I haven't got anything to compare it with, but this may be my first and last DE razor I love it that much. For my first shave I used Taylor's Avocado cream, because it came highly regarded on these forums. I actually thought this cream would be green so I was a bit surprised when I saw white. I didn't notice much of a scent to this creme at all and I was a tad disappointed because I expected great things. However, it did lather fantastic and I felt like a pro because it lathered so easy...I guess that's why so many people love this cream...but for some reason I expected more.
I shaved WTG and then decided on a second pass (only face, not neck) XTG. I did miss a few areas and it wasn't BBS but as I said above, I'm very happy with my first attempt.
HOWEVER, I do have a very sensitive neck. Even with the Mach 3 (after years of experience) it sometimes feels like I'm dragging barbed wire across my throat. With the Merkur Futur, it didn't feel very comfortable when shaving my throat area. Let's just say that I KNEW there would be razorburn as I dragged the razor across my skin. Heaps of tiny blood 'dots' appeared (I think people on these forums refer to them as weepers?) and there was significant razor burn around my throat area. I used Trumpers Skin Food and a few hours later the razorburn was pretty much gone, fantastic stuff! However, as much as I love shaving, I never look forward to the neck region. Am I doing something wrong? Is my technique floored? Do others have a sensitive neck like me?
Based on my first shave, I'm very confident I could turn the futur up to 2 or 2.5 for my face, but I don't know how to fix this neck problem. It's something that's annoyed me for years but the DE shave probably made it a bit worse than normal.
Overall, I give the Future a 9 out of 10...and as my technique improves, this may well get upgraded to a 10. I'll write a full review in the Review section when I get the chance. Also, if anyone can assist me with my above questions regarding my neck/throat when shaving it would be much appreciated.