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Finally Settling in!

Well, been shaving with my merkur DE since late January. I have blown through variious blade samplers, made some acquisitions through use of BST and made a few local purchases as well. I noticed this morning that these shark super chromes just suit me fine. The real tell was the clubman AS splash with no bite after my DFS. I reflect back on the first few months where I looked pretty much like a psych ward patient on the wrong meds with all the weepers, cuts and chin gouges. Now an easy 3 pass shave that doesnt take me 30 minutes and I havent bloodied up the place.
I owe a lot to the fine people here, wiki's and vendors who have been so helpful.
Now maybe time to try an open comb Muhle to do it all over again!
I owe a lot to the fine people here, wiki's and vendors who have been so helpful. Now maybe time to try an open comb Muhle to do it all over again!

I couldn't agree more! This site is extremely friendly, with everyone participating for the better cause.

As far as the Open Comb is considered...they get a bad rap for being "agressive" whereas it's my experience they are "efficient". Don't be hesitant to give it a shot!
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