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Finally got my straight razor

I finally got my straight razor today. I purchased it from SRD and as soon as I got home saw it was in the mail and jumped in the shower for a pre-beard prep and some shaving.

Long story short, I was able to shave both my cheeks and some of my neck but I couldn't figure out how or where to place the razor under my neck. It kept feeling like the razor wasn't going to budge on my hairs and I was scared to give it a push for fear that I may behead myself.

I have been watching videos on this for weeks but it always seems like the razor just glides down their necks perfectly. I couldn't figure out where and how to start.

After I was down I dried the blade of water without coming into contact with the edge and left it out to dry. Not sure if there is any other maintenance involved in this. My Filly strop should be coming in the mail any day now but I do not have it yet.

Any suggestions from the pros?
Go strop right now!
Always do a post shave strop to keep water off the edge.

Other than that(you could strop on a towel too) welcome to the Light side.
Sounds like you did pretty good for your first shave. Any problems other than the neck you need help with?

For the neck, make sure your going with the grain. WTG feels pretty smooth when you rub your hand in that direction. Other than that, it just takes confidence and tactile skill.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Good start!

+1 on stropping. You can do a newspaper strop but I strongly recommend using a real strop. Also, when you get your strop, take your time and strop slowly. If you try to go too quickly, you will nick the strop for sure. Speed is not important!

For the neck... Try to do WTG and stretch the skin as much as you can. When you will feel confortable try XTG and/or ATG.
WTG passes is all I was concerned with until I get comfortable with the blade. The problem I had was blade placement. I didn't know what par of the neck to start at and I was trying to move the razor but it felt like it was grabbing hold; however, I have been practicing using NO pressure with a DE razor so is thus the same thing with a straight or do you have to apply some?

It took me a while to do the cheeks but I did sort of figure it out. I even did some of the lower neck but I couldn't get a comfortable placement for the entire neck.

My strop hasn't arrived yet so I can strop the blade I did go back and tried to lightly strop the blade on a towel to dry it. I'll most likely end up ruining this blade somehow. Lol

Good thing I have a free honing from SRD. That's if I don't behead myself before the first honing. I'm going to keep at it. Maybe it will just click eventually. So if I shave tomorrow morning do I have to strop it? I don't have my filly strop yet. You think I can go another shave without a strop?
WTG passes is all I was concerned with until I get comfortable with the blade. The problem I had was blade placement. I didn't know what par of the neck to start at and I was trying to move the razor but it felt like it was grabbing hold; however, I have been practicing using NO pressure with a DE razor so is thus the same thing with a straight or do you have to apply some?

I'd start with the sideburn area first. Use a light hand with the straight. Place the hand that doesn't have the razor in it, above where you're sideburns are. Pull up with that hand slightly to make the skin taut. The spine of the blade should be slightly raised off the skin, about one to three spine widths. Then lightly bring the razor down the sideburn area. Use short strokes and work your way down the sideburn area. If you feel comfortable try the cheeks.

It took me a while to do the cheeks but I did sort of figure it out. I even did some of the lower neck but I couldn't get a comfortable placement for the entire neck.

The neck is one of the hardest places to shave smoothly with a straight. This is partially due to the crazy directions the whiskers can grow and the geometry of the area. This area will take some practice, so don't worry about it too much. :)

My strop hasn't arrived yet so I can strop the blade I did go back and tried to lightly strop the blade on a towel to dry it. I'll most likely end up ruining this blade somehow. Lol

I'm glad you didn't have a strop. The blade came from SRD already stropped. It's good to get the feel of what a properly sharpened blade is like. Chances are if you would have stropped it, you would have dulled it a bit. I'm betting it wouldn't have been as sharp as when you got it anyway. Stropping properly usually takes a bit of practice.

Good thing I have a free honing from SRD. That's if I don't behead myself before the first honing. I'm going to keep at it. Maybe it will just click eventually. So if I shave tomorrow morning do I have to strop it? I don't have my filly strop yet. You think I can go another shave without a strop?

Normally you'd strop between shaves, but since you don't have one yet, and you've only shaved once with this blade, I'd go for it again. If it feels like it's pulling on the whiskers, or you feel you need to use more pressure than last time, or if it's uncomfortable, stop and wait for the strop. You'll eventually get it. It just takes time. :) Hope the next shave goes well. :)
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Update: I have shaved twice more since my first shave. I also received my strop so I was able to strop the blade a bit. Second time around was MUCH better than the first. I'm not sure if it was because of the stropping or because I was more comfortable and determined but it was a much better shave and I was able to cover all areas.

The front of the chin took some damage but this may be due to a lack of experience and confidence in this area. No major cuts or anything just small nicks.

Overall, I am liking this a whole lot more than the DE razor. I'm going to keep at it until I become more proficient at it but I find myself counting down the seconds until my next shave now. I am also a new fan of Tabac as I received my blade on the same day as my str8 and have been using them both since.

Stropping is a bit tricky mostly the part where I have to go diagonally on my 2" strop. Other than that flipping the blade hasn't proposed any problems for me. It's mostly the diagonal movement that gets me. If only I had gone 3".

Thanks for all the advice, boost in confidence and tips. If anyone has any advice for shaving the chin area and stropping, I'm all ears.
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