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Filarmonica 14 NOS Special Hard Beards - "Especial Barbas Duras"

Can you tell me the best blades for safety razor?

What razor?

I have a very tough, wiry beard. The Feathers dull quickly; too sharp to have good edge retention.

Best blade for me so far is the German (Alemanha) made Wilkinson Sword Classic.
its an vintage..from my grandfather..dont know more.. my beard is not so regular..different thicknesses! My grandfather advise me a brand that i cannot find: "Espada"! I will try the wilkinson thought! Thx
its an vintage..from my grandfather..dont know more.. my beard is not so regular..different thicknesses! My grandfather advise me a brand that i cannot find: "Espada"! I will try the wilkinson thought! Thx

"Espada" is "Sword", so maybe we're talking the same thing!
yeah..thats what i was thinking! but i asked him of "sword" and he said that it wasn't..! so i've been google it since then and nothing:biggrin:! But i'm guessing that it was sword in the portuguese version:lol:!
Now since im gonna keep his safety razors, i've post a new thread to get help in buying a new one! I want to be a cool grandsoon:thumbup1:!
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