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Field Trip!!

Greetings B&B! I've just returned from a field trip to TAOS in Cleveland to pick up some supplies, and thought everyone might be interested in the haul!

3 Full Size Kits, Sandalwood, each with a shaving towel and a basic plastic brush stand. These are intended as groomsmen gifts for my upcoming wedding!

And because I had to also pick up some things for myself:
Pewter mug and porcelain dish.

Lavender Shave Soap refill.

Additional shaving towel.

The towels, as most here know by now, are a thow in from TAOS, free with a $75 purchase. This appears to replace their gift card program based on your total order amount, but I didn't actually confirm that with TAOS.

Since it seems to be a newer offering (though they may have had it before, I just didn't notice), a few high-level details follow:

~29" by ~16"

Soft feel, seems rather thick (better than the paper thin hand towels sold at some big big big stores, this towel seems like it will hold up to washes without disintegrating).
Me too. I could have sworn it was in New Mexico.


TAOS = The Art of Shaving....

Perhaps I coulda just said AOS or just been unlazylikeish and typed it out.

Anyway, interesting discovery for me today (probably not new knowledge for the regulars) - Zirh is also now a P&G product, and available in TAOS stores. They were smart (greedy?) though and do not carry Zirh's shaving-related products in this specific store.
Excellent groomsmen gifts. Great pics, too. Thanks for sharing, and congtrats on the marriage. Oh, and welcome to B&B!!! :thumbup1:
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