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Fenway Park Seat Recommendations

I'll be in Boston at the end of May and wanted to catch a Red Sox game. Is there anything good in the $50 range?
Yes, Boston Beerworks, 2 beers, and some wings :wink2:

Fenway is prohibitively expensive. Look for grandstand seats with an unobstructed view. Tickets may be easier this year as the team is probably not that good.

Fenway is a great venue to watch a ball game. Without spending a fortune, IMO the best seats are in the right field bleachers (the seats beneath the score board, directly behind the relief pitcher bull pen).

Second to that would be the Center Field bleacher's, which puts you somewhat further away from the game, but still good seats.

Remember Fenway is an old park, meaning that it is much smaller than modern parks. The distance from you watching in the bleachers and the action on the field is still pretty close.

I would avoid the Right Field box seats, which is in your price range, but uncomfortable and IMO inferior to the bleacher seats. The problem with right field box seats is that it requires that you watch the whole game with your neck twisted to the left, which becomes uncomfortable during the whole game.

Be sure to allow plenty of time to walk around the park, both inside and out.

One more thing, Public Transportation in the form of a subway stops about a ten minute walk from Fenway. Familiarize yourself with the Green Line and the Kenmore station.
The bleacher seats are pretty good, but you want to make sure you are in the lower bleachers, not the upper. I would suggest Sections 30-43 if available. The further back you go, naturally the worse the view. By May you don't have to worry about the weather as much, so bleachers are a good option. Another consideration are the right field grandstand seats, which go for about $30. If you sit in Sections 1 and 2, you pretty much have a straight view down the first base line.

By all means take public transportation. Parking in the Fenway area will cost as much as a ticket and may not save you any time or hassle.

There are good places to eat in the area, but you probably want to get there early because they get mobbed. I like Boston Beer Works.

Yes, Fenway has a lot of shortcomings, but it's my favorite place to catch a game. You're right on top of the action and the experience is something any true baseball fan should have at least once.
I would avoid the Right Field box seats, which is in your price range, but uncomfortable and IMO inferior to the bleacher seats. The problem with right field box seats is that it requires that you watch the whole game with your neck twisted to the left, which becomes uncomfortable during the whole game.

Ugh, I've been suckered by the siren call of either the right field box or the right field loge several times. The problem, as redrako states, is that those seats don't face home plate, but the wall instead. So you have to twist your head.

I don't know what the prices are, but the third-base side is pretty nice. You can't see if a ball goes down the third base line, but the seats face the action, and you get a nice view of the rest of the park.

I've sat in some of the "gimmicky" seats like on top of the wall and under the Budweiser sign; they are OK, but I would try to see if you can get on the third-base side. The bleachers are better than the right-field side, except if a ball is hit right at CF.
I don't know how long you're going to be in Boston, but if you're there during an off-day, a tour of Fenway is great! I think its like $10 and sometimes they even let you go onto the field or in the dugout.
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