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Feather Vs The Razor You Use - Possible Alternative Blades?Not A Complaint Thread)

Gents, I am Feather user by choice. Let me set this up a bit. I was taught to shave using a Gillette DE. This would have been about 1978. It was of course my dad's and was an old Super Speed I believe. Is that what the non-adjustable models from the sixties were called? I do not recall if it had a coloured band above the TTO knob but I know it would have been black or worn off because I definitely remember it was not red or blue. Anyroad, back in the day he used Gillette DEs. Platinums I believe and they were as sharp as anything then. Fast forward about twenty-five years and I had had enough of cartridges and all that rubbish. I went over to eBay and bought a couple of Gillette slim adjustable models(can't tell you the vintage) and figured all was good.

I started with Schick DEs and they are pretty darned good. Then I discovered Feathers through this forum about six to eight years ago and have not looked back. Nothing I have used(yet) have matched their sharpness. And sharpness is number one with me. I have a somewhat sandpaper beard and need them to be sharp, sharp. Yet with this Celtic hide I need to keep the Slims cranked down to around setting 3 or they get really rough on me. So, if I wanted to test the Feathers in another razor is there any consensus about what razor works best for them? I know this is a loaded question because of variables for each man but I am thinking generically and not specifically. I have heard good things about Kai and Personna Med Prep DEs. What about my old Slim adjustable? Is it considered a mild razor? I admit to really liking the Edwin Jagger Chatsworth. So, same question about it. Mild/agrressive? Thanks chaps. I realise this is all a bit muddled but I just don't have the desire to try thirty razors and fifty blades. So lets rank needs like this; 1. Sharpness of blade. 2. Smoothness of blade. 3. Razor to match it. Fire away.

Cheers, Todd
Med preps seem to be very similar in sharpness, but a bit more smooth. I just tried them this week vs my usual feather. Being so smooth often leads me to adjust my angle or add a slight bit of pressure. I need to work on my technique if I want to continue using med preps.

I will probably go back to feathers for a while and then revisit the med preps once I have more experience.

My only razor is a Merkur 23C, it's the most popular on Amazon. Same reason I started with feather blades.
Feather worked great for me in a Blue Tip Superspeed.
I find Personna Red to be also very sharp, and Voskhod and Rapira Platinum Lux to be smoother.

Why are you looking to change?
I used a Feather this a.m. in my 37C and it was terrific as usual. Of course, MWF certainly didn't hurt the shave either!
In my newbie ignorance, I bought 30 feathers with my first razor because I kept hearing they were the best/sharpest (hadn't discovered B&B yet). I shaved the first week with the included Merkur blade, which was a nice blade, and got cocky and tried out the feathers. Fortunately, they worked very well for me. I know I should run out and grab a sampler to really find my blade, but for now, I'm really enjoying these feathers! I usually do a two pass shave (WTG and XTG), but I've done a three pass with good results.

a lot of guys on here seem to cite cost as a reason they don't use feathers (high cost, and they have found blade that works better and lasts longer for cheaper). They do seem to be among the most expensive, but if you use them for 4 shaves and replace, about 90 blades will get you through the year. $30 for a year supply of blades is an acceptable expense considering that was what I used to spend on a pack of fusions that would butcher my face.

Im still interested in med preps and red personas. Also would like to try out a Kai, but they seem to be a bit harder to find without paying some shipping costs
I've had very good results with Feather blades using either a flare tip or 40's style Super Speed, but I actually prefer Gillette 7 O'clock Yellows and Personna Blue Labs, they are both almost as sharp as the Feathers but both are a little smoother and last a few shaves longer for me. I also have sensitive skin and have found the combination of a very sharp blade and very mild razor like the Super Speed works best for me.
Gillette 7oclock blacks. They can be had on the bay and some websites for much less than feathers. AS sharp but they last longer and are IMO smoother. I use them in a slim on 6.
Feathers are expensive relative to others. I use them in good measure and like them, (just prefer my IP Reds which last longer.) When I say relative, that's addressing the difference in cost between my Sensor Excel cartridge refills and DE blades. It has definitely saved me money and the quality of my shaves is far superior. Either or, both are really good blades, but I give the nod to the Personnas; more forgiving and last longer...try them, order a sample pack and see what you think!
The question is indeed a bit confusing. I like Feathers a lot in mild razors. Amazing shave in a Weber DLC. (I have not used one in the 2011 Muhle R41, which is the opposite of a "mild" razor). I like Polsilver SI, Gillette 7 O'Clock Blacks, and Bolzano blades, too, all of which seem to me to be extremely sharp.

Voskhod blades are "smooth" blades for me, really great in some razors, but are a bit less sharp than the above. Favorite blade in a moderately aggressive razor.

The Slim goes from mild to moderate, I think. You probably had a flare-tip superspeed (without a colored tip). They're probably pretty close to the Slim on 2 or 3. Jagger DE89 is slightly more aggressive, I think, while still being a mild razor.
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Sorry if I was a bit confusing in my questions. It is not so much that I want to change from Feathers but rather keeping my options open. Most of it is a bit of annoyance at manufacturing tolerances. You will get bum blades from ANY manufacturer. I don't care who they are, Feather included. As I indicated I had a dodgy run of two packages. I am only looking at blade options IF they are sharp as sharp like Feather. Extra smoothness would be a bonus. I was also wondering if there is a sort of king of the Feather razor handle out there. Do they want mild or aggressive blade exposure? I have run into real trouble opening up the slim to anything over number 5. As for prices it does not concern me. Anything up to about 30-40 cents per blade is fine.

Cheers, Todd

PS, about the 7 o'clock Blacks. I have used the yellow version and found it not a patch on the Feathers for sharpness. Someone tell me more about the black version.
Feather worked great for me in a Blue Tip Superspeed.
I find Personna Red to be also very sharp, and Voskhod and Rapira Platinum Lux to be smoother.

Why are you looking to change?

Haggises. Great to hear from you. I do not really want to change. Only looking at options and possible equivalents that may be smoother or more consistent. I will say that after using Feather it is about the only blade I know of that matches the old Gillette Platinum coated from the 1970's.

Say, with autumn just around the bend isn't it time for us to be discussing a proper bread and butter pudding or jam roly poly? Maybe even some lardy cakes. Autumn is a great time of year.

Cheers, Todd
I'm not sure about the Yellows...
In fact I'm a bit hesitant to talk relative sharpness to Feathers anyway. Hesitation be damned, I think the Blacks and the Polsilver SI's and the Bolzano blades are all at least close. But different whiskers... y'know?
Are you in the States, Todd? (Not that it matters except for speed.... PM me your address and I'll send you a tuck of the Blacks).
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Yes Wags, I am in the States. Smack in the middle to boot. I will send you an addy later today. Wife's scolding me to the lunch table. Thanks much.

Cheers, Todd
I find the St. Petersburg blades I have tried (greens, blacks, Astras, Polsilvers) to be the sharpest and the smoothest blades I have tried. Feathers are also quite sharp but have a delicate edge, so performance varies from blade to blade and they don't last as long. I use open combs, which are possibly more aggressive razors.
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