Gents, I am Feather user by choice. Let me set this up a bit. I was taught to shave using a Gillette DE. This would have been about 1978. It was of course my dad's and was an old Super Speed I believe. Is that what the non-adjustable models from the sixties were called? I do not recall if it had a coloured band above the TTO knob but I know it would have been black or worn off because I definitely remember it was not red or blue. Anyroad, back in the day he used Gillette DEs. Platinums I believe and they were as sharp as anything then. Fast forward about twenty-five years and I had had enough of cartridges and all that rubbish. I went over to eBay and bought a couple of Gillette slim adjustable models(can't tell you the vintage) and figured all was good.
I started with Schick DEs and they are pretty darned good. Then I discovered Feathers through this forum about six to eight years ago and have not looked back. Nothing I have used(yet) have matched their sharpness. And sharpness is number one with me. I have a somewhat sandpaper beard and need them to be sharp, sharp. Yet with this Celtic hide I need to keep the Slims cranked down to around setting 3 or they get really rough on me. So, if I wanted to test the Feathers in another razor is there any consensus about what razor works best for them? I know this is a loaded question because of variables for each man but I am thinking generically and not specifically. I have heard good things about Kai and Personna Med Prep DEs. What about my old Slim adjustable? Is it considered a mild razor? I admit to really liking the Edwin Jagger Chatsworth. So, same question about it. Mild/agrressive? Thanks chaps. I realise this is all a bit muddled but I just don't have the desire to try thirty razors and fifty blades. So lets rank needs like this; 1. Sharpness of blade. 2. Smoothness of blade. 3. Razor to match it. Fire away.
Cheers, Todd
I started with Schick DEs and they are pretty darned good. Then I discovered Feathers through this forum about six to eight years ago and have not looked back. Nothing I have used(yet) have matched their sharpness. And sharpness is number one with me. I have a somewhat sandpaper beard and need them to be sharp, sharp. Yet with this Celtic hide I need to keep the Slims cranked down to around setting 3 or they get really rough on me. So, if I wanted to test the Feathers in another razor is there any consensus about what razor works best for them? I know this is a loaded question because of variables for each man but I am thinking generically and not specifically. I have heard good things about Kai and Personna Med Prep DEs. What about my old Slim adjustable? Is it considered a mild razor? I admit to really liking the Edwin Jagger Chatsworth. So, same question about it. Mild/agrressive? Thanks chaps. I realise this is all a bit muddled but I just don't have the desire to try thirty razors and fifty blades. So lets rank needs like this; 1. Sharpness of blade. 2. Smoothness of blade. 3. Razor to match it. Fire away.
Cheers, Todd