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Feather SS vs. DX Japanese Style

I have the SS version and I was thinking about picking up the DX as well. I know the SS has the rounded edge and the DX does not. How does this effect the performance of the razors? I'd love to here from someone who owns both.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
They are different enough where you will need slightly different technique when switching between the two. You can get an equally good shave with both. Kind of like asking which to get, Chevy or Ford. Or Nissan or Toyota. Or Hyundai or Kia. :)


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
The SS is easier, but I prefer the DX. If you never used a straight before I would think the SS will serve you better. If you are already proficient with a straight the DX style might be better. YMMV of course. There is a pretty big thread in the General Straight forum detailing one member's journey through both SS DX and a Korean knockoff.

And yes I had both, but only the DX now :)
Thanks. No, I've never used a traditional straight before. Just shavettes. I'm thinking I should just stick to the SS. I like it a lot. The DX is pretty expensive. I really don't want to spend that kind of money just to figure out that I don't like it. I learned that the hard way when I bought a Feather AS-D1 last month.
Same experience as Kentos here. bought SS models but sold them again, DX shaves a lot better for me (but others have reported the opposite). You could look out for a RG model, it's the same as a DX but made of brass and less then half the price.
Yeah, I've been doing some more reading on this and other forums. It's sound like the SS is/was the better choice for me. Still, I'm having to fight a case of RAD! Maybe I can trade my Feather AS-D1 for one!


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Yeah, I've been doing some more reading on this and other forums. It's sound like the SS is/was the better choice for me. Still, I'm having to fight a case of RAD! Maybe I can trade my Feather AS-D1 for one!

Once you have enough time under your belt to post in the BST it might be a good bet.
I own both and like both. Don't get rid of one. Keep them both. It is good to be silly and have too many razors.

I'm with the rest, though - I think the DX or RG is a better shaver and feels more substantial when shaving. In fact... get set for it... I think the CJB is a better shaver than the SS. Personal choices are what they are. Some will like the SS better, I'm sure.
I almost had all of the Feather AC variations, and I feel the SS Japanese handle is easier to learn with. But after I got some experience, I now like/prefer how the RG/DX/CJB shave and feel like. For the money the CJB is the best one, while the heavier feel of the RG (and better/more gripy handle material) makes for the better shaver, without getting into the DX price range.

I have the SS version and I was thinking about picking up the DX as well. I know the SS has the rounded edge and the DX does not. How does this effect the performance of the razors? I'd love to here from someone who owns both.
As to this specific question: The lip/guard on the SS does not let you shave with as low an angle as you can reach with the RG/DX/CJB. This is good and bad (in my opinion), as the guard/lip does help when you are learning (it reminds me a little of the guard in a DE razor), but it gives you fewer angles to shave at. Shaving with the RG/DX/CJB more closely resembles how you shave with a traditional str8 razor:

CJB vs. SS:

RG and DX:

Head design differences (DX, SS, CJB):

One of these days I should write a small article/wiki with all of these photos I have been accumulating :blush:
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Well, I've gotten more experience with the SS. I've been shaving with it almost exclusively since I got it. I can shave WTG & XTG all day with no problems. ATG is still a problem though. Since the DX doesn't have the lips like the SS and will lay flatter is it better at ATG?

Also, Smallflower has the DX with a black handle. Everyone I've seen online has a blue handle. Did the DX come in black like that once upon a time?
I just looked at smallflower and could find no black-handled razor. There was an ebony edition for a while, and I have an ebony RG. Only black plastic handles are on the SS razors, AFAIK.

P.S. the DX Japanese handle picture looks loke the RG to me. Because of the price, I suspect it's just an image goof and not a mislabeled RG.
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Since the DX doesn't have the lips like the SS and will lay flatter is it better at ATG?
Yes, the RG/DX/CJB can lay flatter than the SS. But I would keep practicing before giving up on the SS. Try stretching the skin, and going ATG at an angle other than 90deg ATG - maybe 45deg, and see if that is a little easier.
Well, I ordered the DX from Smallflower this morning. I've continued to the use the SS and I'm getting better with it. Every now and then I'll make a stupid mistake and cut myself. ATG continues to be a problem for me though. I've tried going at a 45 degree angle a little bit, but it doesn't seem to give the closeness of shave as hitting it straight on does. I may have to abandon the idea of a BBS shave. I'm starting to get light scarring on my neck area from all of the little nicks these past couple of months.
Well, I ordered the DX from Smallflower this morning. I've continued to the use the SS and I'm getting better with it. Every now and then I'll make a stupid mistake and cut myself. ATG continues to be a problem for me though. I've tried going at a 45 degree angle a little bit, but it doesn't seem to give the closeness of shave as hitting it straight on does. I may have to abandon the idea of a BBS shave. I'm starting to get light scarring on my neck area from all of the little nicks these past couple of months.

Are you able to get a BBS with any other shaver? If not... maybe you aren't set up (whisker wise) to get one. Not a big deal. BBS shouldn't be the ultimate goal. I can get a BBS if I go for it but I will always be a little raw afterward. I go for DFS most of the time. That lasts me 24 hours, doesn't take a long time to do, and my face is nice and comfortable. I douse my face with alcohol after I shave. If I scream, I tried too hard when shaving. ;-}
Are you able to get a BBS with any other shaver? If not... maybe you aren't set up (whisker wise) to get one. Not a big deal. BBS shouldn't be the ultimate goal. I can get a BBS if I go for it but I will always be a little raw afterward. I go for DFS most of the time. That lasts me 24 hours, doesn't take a long time to do, and my face is nice and comfortable.

Well said. I also follow your advice and found that a DFS is plenty good and comfortable, with zero razor burn - feels great :001_smile
My definition of BBS may be different than most. I'm looking for completely smooth regardless of which direction I rub my hand over my face. In the corner of my neck area by my ears the hair grows sideways. It's pretty much impossible to get the razor in there at the angle /direction of pull needed to get it completely smooth. I'm able to get DFS all day long with no cuts. It's only when I attempt to get it really smooth by going ATG that I really have trouble. I lay the SS as flat as I can get it and still have it cut. This has helped a lot, but since the DX doesn't have the lips I'm thinking it should lay even flatter.
I HAVE to use a DE with a new sharp blade to get BBS, a DFS with a straight is not doable on my neck as the hair grows E-W and I don't have a flat neck, it curves in quite a bit. The CJB does a much better job at DFS and I hope that with some practice, I will get it down some day.
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