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Feather SS/DX vs Kai Excelia

Hey does anyone have these razors in a Japanese style that can compare them. Just wondering if the Kai is better then the Feather SS and DX Japanese style I own.
Hey does anyone have these razors in a Japanese style that can compare them. Just wondering if the Kai is better then the Feather SS and DX Japanese style I own.

I have SS, DX, and Kai in most versions (and CJB). Like them all. I couldn't really detect that much difference. The Kai balance is slightly different but that is to be expected. Just as there are differences between an RG and a DX (or RG and SS). I like the grip but didn't consider it significantly better or worse. I don't especially like the grip on the SS Japanese style - it is slippery to me - but only slightly so. The grip is the distinguishing thing I guess. My best Japanese razor is an RG that I made a custom handle for. It is outstanding.

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I've used all of them, and other than very slight differences, all are really nice. I do prefer the folding model's over the Japanese style however.

That's a great looking handle on yours. Nice work.
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