Was thinking of ordering a few of these off connaught for my valet but was wondering what you guys think of them? Im assuming they're quite an aggressive blade being feathers. Am i correct?
They're very sharp, but don't last very long. At least that's been my experience.
I think these are the same as the ones i got for my Valet, sharp but as already said they don't last long for the price. There is a thread in SE section that mentions taking the spines of regular GEM blades and using those ... sharp, last well and cheap.
The spine comes of very easily with pliers and a little gentle bend ... watch the fingers ... safety first.
Three or so, and I have at best a medium coarse beard plus a Van Dyke.
I think that you could probably use them in the newer Valet's as well with a little tweeking with a Dremel grinder, (the pattern doesn't quite match the tabs in the razors designed for the Valet blades with "Valet" punched out), but I haven't tried it yet.