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Feather F System

So I just recently got a Feather Artist Club DX. Love it, fun to use, and easy to use. I know it's not a true straight, but it sorta has the feel of one and lets me get used to the pulling and stretching of the face and motion of straight shaving. I use Feather blades in my HD as of recent and like them as well. Really nothing to fear, just needs respect.

So I went to go find out more about Feather the company. I came across this crazy thing:

associated manual with the Artist Club and F-System razors:

Anyone on the boards, maybe our members overseas use this crazy looking thing?


My elbows leak
Staff member
I wouldn't touch that thing to my face with a six inch pole. :lol:

Seriously tho - another novelty item.
All the irritation of a cart, with an unwieldy lack of leverage.
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