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Feather DX vs. SS

I have a Feather SS and am perfectly happy with it. I'm curious what the difference is between the SS and the DX to justify the cost difference. When comparing the old RG and the DX the difference was easy. The RG was plated brass and the DX was stainless steel. Now the SS has replaced the RG at the same price, and the SS is also stainless steel. So why would anyone want or need to buy the DX?
Personal preferences? I've tried both folding and non folding versions of the RG, SS & DX. RG & DX are the ones I like best (RG is just as good as the DX just other material), didn't like the SS that much (but it's a good razor), for me the SS just doesn't shave as well as the DX. Might be because I'm used to shave with straights.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
IMO the main difference is in the head design and subsequent blade exposure. The SS has those rounded lips where the blade exits the head. Coupled with a reduced blade exposure, those lips were designed to ride on your skin as you shave. I found that design required me to use a bit higher angle than the DX and regular straights, so having to change my technique for that one razor made for less than perfect shaves. However when I used it exclusively for a few weeks when I first got it, it gave me the easiest shaves.
The DX is better made IMHO. Nicer scales, nicer feel. You can rescale an RG or an SS and get about the same look and feel, though. Like Kentos said, the SS has less blade exposure but hell... what's the fun in that?

Is it worth the difference? Probably not... but then, that never stopped me before. I have both and like both.
I think its just to have the variety of razors. I have all of your mentioned Feather's and I'm able to tell the differences, though minimal between each. I find my RG to be just a bit heavier, and at times its just whats called for. Could I use just one? Of course, but its nice to have the options.
I had to sell my SS folding as the overall size was too small for my hands. I don't have overly large hands, but the difference between the SS folding and RG folding is night and day to me, and the SS never shaved well because of it. So I kept the RG and sadly sold the SS. It was a nice looking razor all things considered and a well made piece of equipment.
Thanks guys for the responses. I guess there are some differences, and I agree slight variety is good to have. It's just not worth the coin for me. Thanks again.
You can get great shaves with either razor, but besides materials, the head design is different between the DX/RG/CJB and the SS - specifically the edge/lip (SS in the middle):

SS on the left, DX in the middle, CJB on the right:

Basically the lip/edge in the SS forces you to a slightly larger attack angle. On the DX/RG/CJB, you can achieve a slightly lower angle, which is also how a traditional str8 razor works/feels like. Again, nothing against the SS, but it "is" a little different than the other head styles. You can really appretiate this difference if you try using the very short Feather Light blade - you really almost can't shave with the Light + SS combo, unless it is at a very high angle, but it is still manageable on the RG:

I also got to try the Excelia, and it also has the same edge geometry as the DX/RG/CJB, and in fact, the edge is even thinner in the Excelia:
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Rather like the Excelia blade but the handle is a disaster. I'm sure it works fine but definitely not up my alley.
That is a great summary - I did not care much for the handle either.

If we could have the head of the Excelia with the handle of the DX/RG, that would be an exceptional razor.
I have a Feather SS and am perfectly happy with it. I'm curious what the difference is between the SS and the DX to justify the cost difference. When comparing the old RG and the DX the difference was easy. The RG was plated brass and the DX was stainless steel. Now the SS has replaced the RG at the same price, and the SS is also stainless steel. So why would anyone want or need to buy the DX?
I have both the SS & DX non folding and the SS folding. I really like the SS folding. The balance and grip makes it a great shave. I hate the scales on it and sent it out to have customs scales put on. As for the non folding, I prefer the DX. The handle is much more comfortable, the weight makes it shave better and it makes you shave as if you were using a regular straight. The angle doesn't bother me as much with the SS folding but on the fixed handle the DX offers a better overall shave.
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