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Feather DE Razor Blades

I just picked up my first DE safety razor, a EJ de89l after my wife and kids bought me a brush and cream set , I'm amazed at how great the safety razors work. I'm currently using ASTRA blades which seem to be working pretty well except for a few weepers here and there, which are probably from poor technique. Anyone have recommendations on other blades like feathers, etc..? I would like to try a few different blades here and there but don't want to go all out and get a 100 of them yet. Also trying to find a stand to hang the razor in, like upside down one that Art of Shaving has without the $60 price tag. Any recommendations are much appreciated.Thanks.
I have the same EJ DE89L razor and I use this stand off of recommendations from others:


You can search google for omega 226 stand

For blades try a sampler pack from one of the vendors,

For specific blades keep reading the forums as they are always a topic of conversation.

I like the Astra SP, the Polsilver Super Iridium, Gillette Silver Blues, and some of the Gillette 7 o'clocks.
+1 on the sampler packs. They give you a wide variety of blades (usually including Feathers) to give you a feel for a variety of brands. Some use them right away but, I would save the Feathers for last so that your technique has time to develop a bit.
Personally I'd stick to useing the same razor and same blade as you are now. Getting your technique down before switching things up will give you a better idea of how slight changes in blades effect your shave. Example I thought some blades were pretty good when I first started and now think the same blade is one of the worst. Astra Is one of the better blades and if they are working well for you witch they seem to be that is what I'd stick with for at least a few months. As for Feathers they are another good blade but in my opinion they dull quick. I'm fairly sure if you keep reading this board you'll be ordering soaps, creams and other stuff and at that time I'd add a pack of blades that you want to give a try rather than getting a sample pack. this way you get the brand you want and not ones you really aren't interested in.
Just used a Feather this morning in a Diplomat. Don't see why alot of people are afraid of these blades. Doesn't seem any different than a Shark SC or a Wilkinson Sword. YMMV
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