Okay, so I'm about a month in to wet shaving, and I've been looking at other options for DE razors. I guess my question is, what am I getting with the razors from these companies that want double or more than I paid for my merkur barber pole? I see some have interchangeable guards, but $200+ seems like a lot of money. I'm not knocking it, I love expensive things, especially if they are better than everyone else's things. Let my pile of Benchmade pocketknives attest to the excess I define my life by, as they sit abandoned because I found a Chris Reeve that was truly better. I'm just wondering why people choose these over other, cheaper models. I see that they are generally made of solid stainless, which is better than chromed brass as a material, but 10 times better? Do they shave better? Any insight anyone can offer would maybe make it easier for me to put down the cash.