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Feather : astra a pattern.

I've been keeping pretty good records and on analysis I note that I seem to get the best shaves from astra blades in new and old style gillettes, feather blades in tech razors and either blades ( and pretty much any other ) in the futur. Ive got numerous examples if each style.

I find straying outside this formula by putting the wrong blades in the wrong razor always results in poorer performance.

Has anyone else noticed a pattern like this?


makes perfect sense to me. I generally use Feathers in mild razors and Astras or RedIPs in aggressive razors.
To tell you the truth, I own six axes and they're none of 'em "aggressive". I have Merkur 34C and 38C models and even they're rated as good for noobs or the seasoned. :blushing:
That's a scary conclusion to me.

My benchmark combo is a Feather in a Tech.
My 1st bout with an Astra Sp really hacked up my face. I used it in a Tech.

I would be very afraid to put an Astra in one of my more aggressive razors.

Please explain to me how a blade that performs so poorly for me in a Tech, would perform better in say, a Muhle R41 OC, or Gillette New OC ?

With respect,
That's a scary conclusion to me.

My benchmark combo is a Feather in a Tech.
My 1st bout with an Astra Sp really hacked up my face. I used it in a Tech.

I would be very afraid to put an Astra in one of my more aggressive razors.

Please explain to me how a blade that performs so poorly for me in a Tech, would perform better in say, a Muhle R41 OC, or Gillette New OC ?

With respect,

I used Astra in my Enigma (an aggressive bar comb vintage razor) with great results (a 10 rating in my thread "Feather, measure of all blades"), so so far for me it seems to work like that. But to me a Feather in a Tech is nice, but it does not cut close enough. Nor does a Feather in a Feather ASR btw. My favorite razor is a short comb US NEW. Smooth razor, but it does cut the whiskers. Have not yet tried Astra in it, but will very soon.
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