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Feather Artist Club RG is coming...

G'day folks!

I'm expecting a Feather Artist Club RG and a 20 pack of the "Professional" blades to be delivered by the UPS man today (as well as a Shavex Alum Bloc).

Just wondering if anyone had any advice for my first AC shave. Videos I should watch before, techniques, etc.

I've been using a DE for a few months, and I own a straight but I haven't used it nearly enough to possess any skill with it (let's just pretend I know nothing about straight razor shaving, I need all the advice I can get).

I let my hair grow in for about 1.5 days, so I have some substantial growth to work with.

I have AoS soap, and C.O. Bigelow shaving cream... any suggestions as to which I should use for the first AC shave? Come to think of it, I also have a Castle Forbes cream, and some Vintage Blades cream trials.

I hope you all had a good start to your week!

My 2 first AC-shaves was outstanding but after then I began to come to close and had some nicks.
I tried to sell my AC but then I gave it another try and another...
The trick is to have a low angle (the wedge is the right angle) so let it lay flat on your skin. Then you can rise the ridge a little but use absolutley no pressure.
I think the AC´s got their bad reputation beacuse some people use too high angle and (to much) pressure.
Well after a week or so my AC RG Ebony became my first shaver. I love it!
PS As so many others I now look for a DX as well. :thumbup:
+1 on what Portra said.
The Feather AC is very capable of giving you the closest smoothest shaves ever.
There is a little learning curve though
1. Use a very good prep
2. Be aware of where the ends (corners of the blade are) a lot of nicks are caused by these corners.
3. Lay the blade flat against your skin and then raise the spine up just a few millimeters.
4. You may just want to shave the easy parts of your face with the Feather at first, you know, below the sideburns and cheeks. Use you usual razor for the tough spots until you get the hang of the Feather.
5. Despite the fact that would seem to be more aggressive from Feathers description,
I find the "Super Professionals" to be significantly easier on my face. I am not sure why.
I started using the Feather, I was cutting and nicking myself regularly when I was using the regular Pro's. I tried a Pro Super and I have not had so much as a nick in months.?.
6. You may just want to go with the grain for a little while, theses things are so sharp that you can usually get a decent shave with just a couple WTG passes.
Good Luck and have fun.
Everything above is right on. The only thing I'll add is don't put that blade on your face unless its moving, and really, you don't need any pressure at all. Good luck. :thumbup1:
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