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Feather AC Horror Stories

I'll be getting my first straight any day now which would be a Feather AC folding SS. I keep hearing so many horror stories of people cutting themselves pretty bad with the ultra sharp feather blades. Are there stories of people getting great shaves right off the bat? Maybe even any experiences of great shave as a first time using a straight? I'd like to read something positive about first time or new users. :001_smile

Mike H

Instagram Famous

I only had 1 bad shave, but several mediocre shaves when I first stated using a feather. No serious cuts.
I'll chime in with some positivity. I took receipt of a Feather DX folding model with Teakwood scales a few months ago. My first shave, and every shave since then has been great. Granted, I've been using a straight razor for a couple of years now. So yes, it is possible, though highly unlikely, you will not require a blood transfusion, skin graft, or face transplant following your first use :001_tt2:

Seriously, just take your time- short strokes, shallow angle, and you will be fine.

On a much different note, glad your 49ers got the best of Green Bay this past Sunday- even with Matthews cheap shot OOB.
Zero pressure and well-stretched skin will go a long way towards a good first experience. The feather blades are very sharp. If your skin is taught, zero pressure will practically wipe whiskers off. Take your time and enjoy.
Less than zero pressure actually.

Seriously. If you think you have a light touch, the Feather will quickly school you on what that really means. You really have to concentrate on floating the blade along like a hovercraft over your face. If you do, you will get one of the greatest shaves of all times. It really can be fantastic.

But, if you bear down......

P.S.- I think the newer SS models are alot easier in that regards than the older DX styles with how the head geometry is. You should be fine.
The one that is guaranteed not to cut is the non-folding AC DX.

Just go easy, no pressure, lots of finesse. Use a thicker than usual lather with lots of cushion and lubrication. Don't go for BBS till you are comfortable with the razor and you will do fine. The Pro-Guard blades are a little easier to use and harder to nick with. The blue light blades are the trickiest to use. Based solely on my own personal observations/experience with a Feather.

Enjoy your Feather, the learning curve will be worth overcoming.

The cuts you get be clean and heal quickly!:scared:

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The Feather AC SS is an awesome razor. You'll be fine as long as you keep the skin slightly taut and use confident strokes in a pulling motion with the wrist locked (not against the skin). For the first few shaves go with with the grain and above the jawline to keep things easy.
The Feather AC SS is an awesome razor. You'll be fine as long as you keep the skin slightly taut and use confident strokes in a pulling motion with the wrist locked (not against the skin). For the first few shaves go with with the grain and above the jawline to keep things easy.

Yes, above the jawline, You don't want a new Feather AC anywhere near your jugular vein the first couple of shaves.....
I'm glad to hear some positive experiences with the Feather. Although I'm expecting to have some not-so-great shaves the first few times around but it really seems like people adjust to them pretty quick. Most of the reviews on here from new users talk about lots of blood which can make it even more intimidating than it already is.

Joe, that was such a fun game to watch until Matthews took that cheap shot. The biggest test comes up this weekend with a matchup with the Seahawks in Seattle. That would be a huge win for us!
Start with the Pro Guard blades & you will find that you never need to switch to anything else. I get great 2-pass WTG shaves with an AC SS folder with zero irritation. Love the thing!
Neck isn't very prone to cuts but an open blade is more likely to scrape and be generally unpleasant.

Don't take hyperbole seriously. It's a superlative edge but you should never be worried about it...the light touch isn't because of cuts, but rather irritation. Folks who reach to the absurd in description usually have an agenda.
Take your time, with a soft touch, you will get the sweetest shave ever. I have been using a DE for 40years, I'm having a lot of fun right now honing and shaving with traditional straights, but if I'm taking my honey on a date and want that baby soft face she loves, I break out the Feather. Take the time to prepare your face with a hot shower or hot wet towel. I like to slather my wet face with Proraso or 3P pre shave before I lather up. With a little care & practice, the Feather won't let you down. Another plus is, you will get a lot of shaves from a single blade. ENJOY!


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Make sure you have a slick lather. Don't strive for the super airy big Santa Claus beard lather, you want a lather that will keep the razor's edge sliding on your skin rather than scraping off layers of your face.
I'll be getting my first straight any day now which would be a Feather AC folding SS. I keep hearing so many horror stories of people cutting themselves pretty bad with the ultra sharp feather blades. Are there stories of people getting great shaves right off the bat? Maybe even any experiences of great shave as a first time using a straight? I'd like to read something positive about first time or new users. :001_smile

I have a DX and whilst it is beautiful and gives a 'good' shave without much incidence (although there are usually a few bits of red for the allum block to deal with) I can get a much better shave with a DE safety razor with ZERO injury.

I have come to the conclusion that the straight razor is a fantastic tool if one is working on someone else but is not the most efficient for working on ones self so... my AC DX will go in my kit bag for when I graduate barber school and get plenty of use... just not on me!
You'll be fine with your SS, just go easy on the pressure. I've been shaving my face and head daily with some model of the Feather Artist club or Kai range. Your first few shaves might not be as good as the ones you normally get from your DE razor but that will improve a lot after a few weeks.
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