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Feather ac for sensitive skin

Hello. I have very sensitive skin. Will a feather ac work with such skin? I want to minimize my neck burn. I don't know if I'm ready for the upkeep of a regular straight. But hope to find my answer and unburnt neck in a feather ac rather than a de.

Thank you so much
I believe you're in control of your shave at all times. Too much pressure and/or too many passes will definetely give you skin burn.
It's a matter of developing a routine according to your skin sensitivity, including appropiate shaving cream, after shave, etc.
As mentioned, you control the pressure. I have been learning how to use my Feather AC and got skin burn on neck once. I would try the Guard and Light blades and a "feather" light touch as it is different technique than the feedback you get from a regular straight.
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