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Favorite shave product by first letter

In taking a small break at work to try to restore my sanity, I started thinking in my head about what are the best shave products that start with each letter of the alphabet... so I figured I'd start it off. Feel free to mention yours with the next letter in the alphabet from the last post, I figure there will be some overlaps if people happen to be posting at the same time but that just adds to the "fun".

For the letter A, I haven't been able to use a couple products yet that seem to be fan favorites (Acca Kappa and Alt Innsbruck), so I'll put in my vote for Anthony Logistics' aftershave balm. I find it to be very soothing and refreshing without being greasy or thick, was one of the first balms I tried out and still love it. Barely edges out Astra blades, which I dig but aren't quite at the top of my list for blades...
C= Cella, of course. M's and R's are gonna go nuts. Muhles, Merkur, Mama Bear, Mike's, Mystic; and all those Razorocks.
D - Derby! Just kidding...

I'll go with DE89

Looks like we almost simultaneously posted! Unfortunately, I have yet to try the DE89 razor. I've heard so many good things about it that it is on the top of my "must try" list, though.
I know that its not really Nuka its Pika (I believe but if it was a P then I would say proraso) but I Like the name Nuka better so I put it in the N spot


Originally Posted by The M
N= Nuka Shave cream

F - Failed his ABC's :001_tongu

I know that its not really Nuka its Pika (I believe but if it was a P then I would say proraso) but I Like the name Nuka better so I put it in the N spot


Originally Posted by The M
N= Nuka Shave cream

F - Failed his ABC's :001_tongu


Uh, no I don't really think that was the issue. It was that, in your version of the ABC's, N seems to follow E
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