So I'm a cheapskate at heart. More and more as I get older I'm discovering that buying cheap stuff doesn't mean not buying quality stuff. It sometimes means you just get more of it!
Take for example beer. You could buy a nice craft or microbrew for $10 a sixer, but there are better values out there that are tasty as well.
My favorite of the moment is Genesee Cream Ale. It tastes great, is extremely cheap (a case of 30 is ~$13 here in OH, six pack of tallboys runs you $4), and according to the can, it's an "Award Winning Classic!"
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Please share your favorite cheap beers. They get you just as buzzed, without putting your budget in jeopardy!
Take for example beer. You could buy a nice craft or microbrew for $10 a sixer, but there are better values out there that are tasty as well.
My favorite of the moment is Genesee Cream Ale. It tastes great, is extremely cheap (a case of 30 is ~$13 here in OH, six pack of tallboys runs you $4), and according to the can, it's an "Award Winning Classic!"
View attachment 108176
Please share your favorite cheap beers. They get you just as buzzed, without putting your budget in jeopardy!