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Favorite cheap beers MEGATHREAD!

So I'm a cheapskate at heart. More and more as I get older I'm discovering that buying cheap stuff doesn't mean not buying quality stuff. It sometimes means you just get more of it!

Take for example beer. You could buy a nice craft or microbrew for $10 a sixer, but there are better values out there that are tasty as well.

My favorite of the moment is Genesee Cream Ale. It tastes great, is extremely cheap (a case of 30 is ~$13 here in OH, six pack of tallboys runs you $4), and according to the can, it's an "Award Winning Classic!"

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Please share your favorite cheap beers. They get you just as buzzed, without putting your budget in jeopardy!
Oh geez, I had enough Natty Light my freshman year of college! I don't think there's any way you could make me buy it now!
They're kind of on the same playing field for me. The popular bar near my school always had specials on pitchers of Keystone for something ridiculously cheap like $4.
Also, what beers outside the US are cheap and tasty? Let us know what the worldwide B&B community has that Americans can be jealous of.
Yeah, Lone Star rocks! Wish we had it regularly up in the Midwest. Friends brought back cases of the stuff from SXSW a couple years ago. It went quickly :lol1:
We don't get the Genesse Cream Ale in Southern Ohio, so I go for PBR. If I'm out West I try to get Olympia or Renier.
My list is topped by Schlitz (the '60s formula). Other than that you may see me leave the store with any one of the following cheapies:

Miller High Life
Rolling Rock Extra Pale
Yeungling Traditional Lager
Pabst Blue Ribbon
My list is topped by Schlitz (the '60s formula). Other than that you may see me leave the store with any one of the following cheapies:

Miller High Life
Rolling Rock Extra Pale
Yeungling Traditional Lager
Pabst Blue Ribbon

I went to high school in New Jersey and Rolling Rock was one of our go to cheap beers (along with Carling Black Label). In Minnesota people pay a premium for it. I just don't understand why.
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Cheap beers I like:
Iron City
Rolling Rock

I used to drink Schaefer. It was kind of like light beer before they called it that.
Also, what beers outside the US are cheap and tasty? >>>>SNIP

In Canada, there's no such thing as "Cheap" beer the way you guys know it.

I remember in Loozeyanna once on a business trip getting a 6 pack of Red Dog tall boys, and getting change back off a $5.

In Newfoundland right now, a dozen is well over $20.
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