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Favorite after dinner drink?

What's everyone's favorite after-dinner drink?

You've finished your dinner and are settling in for a comfortable night of conversation, what do you get first? Before you switch to coffee.
after a good meal I usually have my after dinner drink with coffee.

If I'm in the mood for a cordial I'll have; B&B, Frangelico, or Drambuwie(sp?)
If I'm not wanting the sweet, which is more common; an oaky Scotch or Arminac.
If I want sweet, a good Port is tough to beat.

However often I get a nice scotch, usually JW black, as that's what most bars have that's consistently good. IMO.


Right after a big meal, I like to have a shot of Grappa. Apparently, the myth is that it promotes digestion. I am not sure if it's true or not, but it seems to work great for me.

I also like to drink a good quality Peppermint tea after larger meals.

When I'm sharing a meal with friends and family, in a relaxed environment, it's nice to have a finger or two of Brandy with bowl of my favorite tobacco or a good cigar.


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