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Fatboy silo door Help

I got the pictures they're below just wondering what peoples opinions were on what I could do.


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Check the safety bar alignment and compare it to the other side. If it's misaligned you can fix it by gently prying the safety bar up with a flathead screwdriver. If it's the silo door check to see if the hinge is bent out of place. If so, use a skinny tool to gently pull out the door by pulling the tool from the inside of the blade tray where the inside of the end cap area meets, there should be just enough give to use tool to take silo door out. If the hinge is bent you can bend it back in place by pushing on it on a wooden cutting board. Most likely, the safety bar is misaligned due to being dropped or something goofy like that. Easy does it!
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Krona...just to clarify, you can take the silo door out of the fatboy without taking the whole fatboy apart? If so, what tool do you use?
I had a similar problem with my Fatboy. Does one door open at a different time/rate? I fixed mine by gently/slowly bending the safety bar with a pair of slip joint pliers. The key here is just a TINY bit at a time, check the gap, then repeat. I'm sure with a set of feeler gauges I could get it perfect, but my MkI eyeball got it good enough that it shaves just fine. I'm pretty sure the dude sold it because he dropped it at some point. The Fatboys are prone to this type of issue because of their weight. But hey, his loss was my gain. Just take a few minutes opening & closing the doors to pinpoint where the misalignment is and you should have the gaps evened out before you know it.
Krona...just to clarify, you can take the silo door out of the fatboy without taking the whole fatboy apart? If so, what tool do you use?

You don't have to take the whole razor apart. I use a watch tool that has a forked end but a skinny flat tool can do the trick.
You don't have to take the whole razor apart. I use a watch tool that has a forked end but a skinny flat tool can do the trick.

Would this work on all vintage Gillette TTO razors or just fatboys? Also I'm guessing that since you can take the door off, you can also put it back on without taking the full razor apart?
I have the same/similar watch tool you are referring to, so I might do a little fatboy surgery tonight!
Sorry for all the questions, it's just that I have a fatboy with a door issue and I want to take it off to see if I can fix it. I've been a little leary as I didn't want to take it apart and not be able to put it back together again.

To the OP...sorry about hijacking your thread for my questions to Krona.
Would this work on all vintage Gillette TTO razors or just fatboys? Also I'm guessing that since you can take the door off, you can also put it back on without taking the full razor apart?
I have the same/similar watch tool you are referring to, so I might do a little fatboy surgery tonight!
Sorry for all the questions, it's just that I have a fatboy with a door issue and I want to take it off to see if I can fix it. I've been a little leary as I didn't want to take it apart and not be able to put it back together again.

To the OP...sorry about hijacking your thread for my questions to Krona.
It would work on adjustable or TTO's that have a G-Bar, just use baby soft twisting and put tape on the bar and silo doors to protect it from marring the finish.
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