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FatBoy - Is this fixable?

I cleaned up a recently aquired FatBoy, but after putting in the blade ready to shave i noticed the guard bar wasn't straight! :scared:

I bailed out of the shave and used my British rocket instead.

Does anyone know what's wrong with this? It looks fine when the doors are open, or when the doors are closed with no blade in it. Only when you close the doors with a blade in it does it look like this.

Any suggestions as to what could be wrong? Is it fixable? I've never owned an adjustable before so not really sure what to be looking for, all I know is I'm not shaving with this thing in it's current condition.

I'm not sure if it shows up in the photos clearly or not, but the blade gap on the right hand side is much much smaller than the left hand side, on the edge that has the adjustment selector (photos 2 and 4). The other edge is slightly off too, but not as pronounced as the other edge.



My elbows leak
Staff member
It is fixable.
The razor was probably dropped at some point. A small flat head screw driver and gentle prying (key word gentle) is all it takes to get it back to the right space.
Eyeball even is all you need, there's no need to go to the feeler gauge stage.
There are several threads here about it, I'll see if I can find one or two.
Also if you can't manage to get it worked out yourself I know the razor emporium and several other places offer a repair service. Here's a link for you to check out.
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My elbows leak
Staff member
Please do yourself a HUGE favor and do a quick search and a little reading before you send ANYTHING to Razor Emporium.
Their reputation is horrible, and people have had some very very bad experiences, from family heirlooms being sold to other people by accident to just plan shoddy work, to downright unsatisfactory customer service.
Please do yourself a HUGE favor and do a quick search and a little reading before you send ANYTHING to Razor Emporium.
Their reputation is horrible, and people have had some very very bad experiences, from family heirlooms being sold to other people by accident to just plan shoddy work, to downright unsatisfactory customer service.

Who would you recommend?


My elbows leak
Staff member
I personally would recommend that he give a go at fixing it himself.
If he feels uneasy about it, or fearful that he may damage the razor, then I'd recommend he do some research into various vendors and see what kind of feedback they have here at B&B as far as honesty, quality of work, and level of customer service.
Thanks guys, I wasn't sure if it was somehow stuck and just needed freeing up but yeah looks like it's out of place from being dropped. I will have a go at fixing it myself. I have heard about the problems with RE, and to be honest I don't really want to send it away for repair. It only cost me $35, so happy to have a go at fixing it myself. I will read through all of the posts and see how it goes. I'll take my time and not rush into it, want to get a bit more confident first before I tackle it.

There's some plating loss inside the head, but nothing on the outside. So if I can fix this problem I should have a decent shaving fat-boy that I will be proud to own. If I'm able to fix it myself, then it will make it even more special to me.
Who knows if it can be fixed satisfactorily.

Maybe you have the world's first "Fat Boy Slant razor," and it may be a wonderful shaver! :biggrin1:

I would put a new blade in it and shave a time or two before doing anything. Just be careful, in case it wants to cut more than whiskers.

But I consider this to be a case of damaged merchandise that was not disclosed to the buyer. Failing the shave test, I would send it back and request a refund. If refused, I would contact Pay Pal and the grievance system. I would not try to fix it first, because it could be claimed that you messed up the razor.
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