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Fat Handle Tech alongside Thin Handle Tech

I was searching for a picture of these two alongside one another but couldn't find one, so here are a couple shots comparing these two handles (though I am betting there are other pictures out there or in here somewhere). I recently acquired the thin handle tech (British version) and I already had the fat handle tech (American version), I was shocked to find that the thin handle was not only thinner (obviously) but shorter as well, this was why I was searching to see if I got a dwarfed version of the thin handle or if this was common...anyway, here are the pictures. I am a tech lover myself, I have seen quite a few tech lovers here and I am not surprised by that, they are very dependable razors that deliver great shaves, plus you can try out different handles on them to mix things up.

$2013-03-31 21.26.48.jpg$2013-03-31 21.29.10.jpg
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What is the length of each handle, please?

These are ruler measurements (need to get a caliper one day):

Fat Handle = 7.6 cm

Thin Handle = 7.2 cm

It doesn't look like much on paper, but with the shorter length and the lesser width, the thin handle feels much smaller in the hand.
Nice comparison. The thin handle Tech is not seen or spoken of often. Is it also hollow?

I was surprised when I got my first regular(brass) ball handle Tech that the handle was not only a bit longer than the aluminum ball handle but also heavier than the fat handle Tech even.

Here are my measurements and weights of the handles:

Alu ball end : 72mm 12 gram
Brass ball end : 76mm 38 gram
Fat handle : 77mm 24 gram

Big differences in weight I think which really surprised me. I have a preference for the lighter handles actually contrary to most wet shavers. But that might be mainly because I started out using an Aluminum Tech.
The thin handle is hollow, it is very similar in appearance to the fat handle just scaled down, they are both quite light. I prefer lighter handles as well, though on occasion it is fun to shave with a heavier one.
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