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Fat Boy and Black Handle SS I love my father in-law.

So as the title states, I called my father in-law to see if he had any DE razors hanging around. Of course he asked me, what the #$% do you want one of those for. So after explaining that I was into wet shaving again he said that he would have a look around. My mother in-law said that if they don't have one it's the only thing they don't have. :D I love her too!! Two days later I get a call and he is all excited that he found two razors. I'll bet he has more if he kept on looking. :D So I received them yesterday and to my very pleasant surprise a basically brand new 1959 Fatboy and a black handled flare tip 1967. And to top it off the fatboy is in it's box with blades. There was a blade in the razor so I took it out and put it in the blade bank behind the new blades. The blade package says 6 blades and I figure the other 5 are still there. The only bummer is that the case is pretty much toast for it has multiple cracks in it. But it did protect the razor. The razor is like I said, brand new. Everything works the way it should the numbers are perfection. The clicking and twist lock all work like brand new. All I did was wash it with diluted dish washing soap and a toothbrush and it is perfect.

Now to my question. Are these blades any good? Should I try one or just keep them for posterity? Are they good blades that are really worth trying out?

Thanks in advance for any advice. :D
However, I don't recall that Gillette started selling those until AFTER Schick put them in its Injectors in the early 1960s, probably after the 195 Adjustables were replaced on the production line.
pic, or it didn't happen.


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These are the first pics that I have posted here on B&B. Is there any significance to the fat boy having a black line under the adjustment ring? Also is there a specific name for the flare tip model? :D Pics are a requirement aren't they. :D
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These are the first pics that I have posted here on B&B. Is there any significance to the fat boy having a black line under the adjustment ring? Also is there a specific name for the flare tip model? :D Pics are a requirement aren't they. :D

Aside from the fact that it's the easiest way to spot an original from a replate job, nope. They all have that. Well, mine doesn't. Then again, I replated mine. :wink2:
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