Where to buy and best prices for various stones necessary to hone. Looking for a chosera 1000 grit, a naniwa 3/8K combo, a dmt 325, and a 12k-16K finishing stone. Please advise where to start. Can't afford to buy all at once.

Of course, SWMBO will NEVER, EVER know thisI'd get a Chosera 1K and a Coticule bout with slurry stone. It's all you really need.
Good answer!My advice would be to have a straight honed by different people and when you really like the edge, ask them what they used.
I'd get a Chosera 1K and a Coticule bout with slurry stone. It's all you really need.
Worked fine for me for several months. YMMV.I'm no expert on pastes, but my understanding was that when the bevel was deformed enough by use of a pasted strop that it couldn't be brought back anymore with said strop, it necessitated a full rebeveling... making the barbers hone in that setup kind of useless.
If your leaning toward synthetic stones, I have tried several and settled on Shapton Pros. Check them out at Chefsknivestogo.com. You can make a deal on sets of stones.
I'd get a Chosera 1K and a Coticule bout with slurry stone. It's all you really need.