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Faces Quiz #1 - Classic Males (B&W)

This is a neat little game me and my workmates play to pass the time and test the ol' noggin'. We take turns coming up with themes and then going out and finding pictures for each other to identify (yeah we have too much free time at work :biggrin:). Basically, all you need to do is name as many of the 20 men pictured below as you can and then PM me your answers (and post here that you've done so). I know that answering by PM isn't as 'fun' as everyone just posting guesses below, but if we don't do it what way it will be too easy for people to just look at the answers others have posted before posting their own (unconsciously of course! :tongue:). The theme this time around is 'Classic Males in B&W'. The pictures I've chosen are in no way intended to be a definitive or exhaustive collection but rather a mere smattering of people representative of the theme, so you don't need to PM and ask me how I possibly could have forgotten to include ___________. :wink: If nobody gets them all in a day or so, we'll just go with whomever got the most correct. :smile:

Of course when we play it 'live' we don't have the benefit of being able to look things up on the internet so I've thrown a few curveballs in there to make it a bit more difficult, even with the benefit of being able to look things up instantly. Most of them are actors of course, but not every one is so be careful. Let's say one entry per person so think carefully before submitting! :wink:

For the time being the prize is simply the glory of victory (or hey, maybe you can make up the next contest!) but who knows, maybe I'll get generous in the future and put together some actual contests with prizes and all....:biggrin: For you younger lads, getting all of these correct is going to be nigh impossible; for you older gents, the game can be frustrating as heck...."Damn, I know that guy's face but the name just won't come to me...arggghhh!!" :tongue: Good luck gents, this one isn't easy.




















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You guys are legends! luvmysuper, RazorDingo, and The Nid Hog all scored 20/20. The Hatter and BroDirt also turned in sterling efforts. Too easy I guess (although one gentleman was honest enough to tell me that all he did was right click on the picture and read the file names which usually contained the name...DOH! What do I know, I'm a silly Mac user...:biggrin: My bad. :redface:) Still working the bugs out of playing this on the 'net. I will make sure the file names are changed for the next challenge! :thumbup1:

So I guess the winner of the inaugural Faces Quiz is luvmysuper as he was the first to submit his correct answers. Congrats sir!! :biggrin::biggrin:

1. Buster Keaton
2. Burt Lancaster
3. Robert Wagner
4. Toshiro Mifune
5. Alain Delon
6. Eroll Flynn
7. Laurence Olivier
8. Robert Mitchum
9. Rock Hudson
10. Rudolph Nureyev
11. Montgomery Clift
12. Gary Cooper
13. Marlon Brando
14. James Dean
15. Gregory Peck
16. Paul Newman
17. Robert Redford
18. Steve McQueen
19. Tony Curtis
20. Warren Beatty


My elbows leak
Staff member
You guys are legends! luvmysuper, RazorDingo, and The Nid Hog all scored 20/20. The Hatter and BroDirt also turned in sterling efforts. Too easy I guess (although one gentleman was honest enough to tell me that all he did was right click on the picture and read the file names which usually contained the name...DOH! What do I know, I'm a silly Mac user...:biggrin: My bad. :redface:) Still working the bugs out of playing this on the 'net. I will make sure the file names are changed for the next challenge! :thumbup1:

So I guess the winner of the inaugural Faces Quiz is luvmysuper as he was the first to submit his correct answers. Congrats sir!! :biggrin::biggrin:

1. Buster Keaton
2. Burt Lancaster
3. Robert Wagner
4. Toshiro Mifune
5. Alain Delon
6. Eroll Flynn
7. Laurence Olivier
8. Robert Mitchum
9. Rock Hudson
10. Rudolph Nureyev
11. Montgomery Clift
12. Gary Cooper
13. Marlon Brando
14. James Dean
15. Gregory Peck
16. Paul Newman
17. Robert Redford
18. Steve McQueen
19. Tony Curtis
20. Warren Beatty

Hey, that's no fun. I just tried that, actually had to right click and then click on properties and read on the pop up. It doesn't work for all of them, but it does for most.
Anyway, great way to spend a half hour this morning. This is a great idea.
Hey, that's no fun. I just tried that, actually had to right click and then click on properties and read on the pop up. It doesn't work for all of them, but it does for most.
Anyway, great way to spend a half hour this morning. This is a great idea.

Thanks. Next challenge forthcoming.....:biggrin:
I got stuck on Mifune for quite a while. I went through all kinds of strange ideas until I noticed that the books behind him were in Japanese. Then it made sense. Doh!


My elbows leak
Staff member
I had Mifune because that is the very look he gave all the time in Shogun, LOL

Had a harder time with Montgomery Clift
Holy moly does Matt Damon look like Robert Wagner...I never saw it before.

And Mifune...with his mouth covered I had him for James Coburn, looks just like him there.
I got stuck on Mifune for quite a while.

Mifune had me puzzled for a while - and then I right-clicked on the picture.

I'll admit, I was the guy who pointed out the flaw in the quiz. Cheating? Maybe. But then I'm always reminded of the Kobayashi Maru scenario. More often than not, the solution to any problem is right in front of you if you look a little closer. As Banksy says

Think from outside the box. Then collapse the box and take a fXXXing sharp knife to it.


On a more pragmatic basis, future quizzes - with potential tangible rewards - would be more challenging if such easy solutions are NOT available to the less culturally literate test taker.
I'm late to the game. I can tell you that I knew 16 of these and guess for #17 was correct. Three of these gents I had absolutely no idea on.

Yeah I ended this one pretty early because a couple of guys nailed 20/20. I figure the military one that's up now will take a bit longer though I've already had two guys pull off 17/20! How 'bout it my northerly brother? :biggrin:
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