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Face lathering brush advice, please

I'm thinking of getting a new brush primarily for face lathering soaps, and I need some advice. Right now I'm using a Rooney 3/1 in super. I absolutely love the way it feels on my face - it has a great combination of softness and backbone. But, as others have mentioned about Rooney, I find that it's just too much of a lather hog for effective face lathering.

Any thoughts on something that might have the feel of the Rooney but be a little more generous with the lather?

I have a Rooney 1/2 in Super and it is a great brush but I do not use it for soaps these days since acquiring a Simpson's Duke2 and the B+B Eagle (both in Best Badger). Simpson's current Best hair is fantastic and I would highly recommend the Duke2 in Best- soft tips, loads of backbone and a terrific size.
I have a 1/2 Silvertip. But when using hard soaps I prefer boar.

The Silvertip will face lather soaps fine. Just use more.
Omega 30005 :001_cool:

On the low price end, an Omega or Semegue Boar Brush. On the upper end (for me at least) a Simpson Duke 2 in best.
I don't now what a Rooney feels like, much as I'd like to know. I have three Simpsonsthat are hard to get past for great face lathering, though.
I have a Rooney 1/1 in Super and all I do is face lather with soaps. It is ok at letting loose of the lather. I find it builds lather on my face very well and then when I "paint" with it to even things out it will release a little more.
I'm going to suggest any brush that has a small tight knot. Meaning not floppy and splays out over the entire face. Something with maybe a 21mm or under in size. If you want to go with the smallest then I hear that the Wee Scot is the best in that regard.
I'm thinking of getting a new brush primarily for face lathering soaps, and I need some advice. Right now I'm using a Rooney 3/1 in super. I absolutely love the way it feels on my face - it has a great combination of softness and backbone. But, as others have mentioned about Rooney, I find that it's just too much of a lather hog for effective face lathering.

Any thoughts on something that might have the feel of the Rooney but be a little more generous with the lather?


The 3/1 works fine for face lathering... how do you face lather? Do you use only scrubbing motions? Do you use painting motions only or perhaps a combination of both?

I find that starting with scrubbing motions to spread around the soap on my face (really before it becomes lather) then switch to painting motions to build the lather works well. I use this method for all of my brushes and have never had an issue.

I think that the painting motion helps draw out the lather in the knot so you don't see the "lather hog" phenomenon.
The 3/1 works fine for face lathering... how do you face lather? Do you use only scrubbing motions? Do you use painting motions only or perhaps a combination of both?

I find that starting with scrubbing motions to spread around the soap on my face (really before it becomes lather) then switch to painting motions to build the lather works well. I use this method for all of my brushes and have never had an issue.

I think that the painting motion helps draw out the lather in the knot so you don't see the "lather hog" phenomenon.

I use a combination of circular and painting motions. You're absolutely right that the painting strokes really help after the lather forms. I'm also trying to use more soap and seeing if that does the trick. The Rooney is much denser than my prior Vulfix brush, so I guess it requires a correspondingly larger amount of product. (It does a great job bowl lathering creams, by the way.)

That Duke 2 is tempting, though. For unselfish scientific comparison purposes, of course.
I have a Simpson's Ehsan that I picked up from Phil at Bullgoose shaving that is an excellent brush for both soaps and creams. I primarily use soaps and love this brush. It is a pleasure to use and has a great feel. I do not remember it loosing any hair since I began using it in February of this year. It is a two band super in a Colonel handle. In my view it is a fantastic brush and a good value.

Happy shaving,

I've never had this problem with the Rooney, but the suggestions for a Duke 2in best or a smallish boar are right on they money.

FYI, if you go for a boar, it will take some break in.
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