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face lathering and keeping the brush warm tips.

any tips for keeping the brush warm while face lathering?:confused: At the moment, I soak the brush in hot water while I shower, load the brush with soap which stays warm for two passes. I then blast the brush with hot tap water and load up with soap again which keeps it warm for my final two passes.
You, my friend, need to buy a scuttle. I have a Georgetown G4 which gets me through 3 or 4 passes just fine.
small brush scuttle with hot water is the answer for you.

or you can put a large glass or bowl in a sink full of hot water, or another bowl full of hot water and that will act like some kind of scuttle too!

I've got the DB and it rules, but I lather in the bowl. If you never use the bowl I think getting a smaller bowl or scuttle that surrounds your brush, will keep it warmer than a small brush in a large scuttle.
I just dip the tip of the brush in hot water before applying the next facefull. Works just fine for me.



The Moss Scuttle was made for face latherers. Its made to just be a warm station for your brush to sit in . You might put up a WTB at Shave My Face and BB . I did at SMF and got a large one for $50 from a nice member there.
Soak your brush in a bowl of hot water then face lather with your brush. Glom the excess lather from your brush back into the bowl and float it in your hot sink water between passes! The lather will be easy to load up again in the brush because it's been warmed up in the bowl. I easily get enough lather for a four pass shave if I want one (using a B&B LE).
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I'll agree with the posts about a scuttle. I use mine every shave, and they're great. Well worth it, and they're great for keeping both your lather and brush warm. :tongue: :001_rolle :biggrin: :wink:
Soak your brush in a bowl of hot water then face lather with your brush. Glom the excess lather from your brush back into the bowl and float it in your hot sink water between passes! The lather will be easy to load up again in the brush because it's been warmed up in the bowl. I easily get enough lather for a four pass shave if I want one (using a B&B LE).

Wait, so what you do is, after you face lather you squeeze out the lather on the brush back into the bowl, then put your brush back into hot water... then do you squeeze out that hot water and reload the brush with the lather in the bowl? Sounds interesting, but kind of tedious.
Wait, so what you do is, after you face lather you squeeze out the lather on the brush back into the bowl, then put your brush back into hot water... then do you squeeze out that hot water and reload the brush with the lather in the bowl? Sounds interesting, but kind of tedious.

Nope not exactly. After spackling the brush against the sidewall of the bowl, stand the brush next to the sink, float the bowl in the sink, and do a pass with the razor. When I'm done with that pass, I re-load the brush from the warm bowl. Easy breezy :wink:
Small teacup floating in a larger teacup sitting on a candlewarmer.

Small, simple, cheap.

- Chris

This only works because the handle on the smaller teacup is an open hook, and can hook over the outside of the larger teacup.

But this same thing can be done with a variety of smaller sugar bowls, etc.
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