First I didnt know this whole subsection of B&B was here! Fantastic!
This weekend the wife and I took the NRA Basic Pistol course, and later that evening I bought my first handgun (grew up shooting with my Grandpa, mostly .22's and such. I own a couple long guns but this is my first, my own, handgun). Picked up a Glock 23 in .40cal, and I love it even if I don't even possess it yet. I've been going nutty on youtube learning all kinds of stuff, researching upgrades and safes... AD setting in hard and I know this won't be my last handgun! Probably not my last Glock either.
I had started out after tons of research leaning highly towards the Springfield XD9 over the Glock. I like to buck whats popular, and the XD was just as praised by some. That changed when I went to the store and compared. Despite the fact that CA has none of the newer top models of these and many other brands rostered, so they weren't even an option, I and my wife just liked the Glock better. I may get an XD down the road. I was pretty set on a 9mm, but chose the .40 for its better defense, supposed shooting similarity to 9mm, and the fact that G19's aren't even available right now due to the gun climate. I'm still in the waiting period, but I cant wait to shoot it!
Any of you Glock guys? I'd love to network with and learn from you! Please share with me anything and everything I should or might like to know about my G23 and Glocks in general. How do you prefer to clean it? Whats your favorite ammo for different uses? Or compare the XD for my later referrence. I'm a Glock sponge right now, and if you can't tell, really excited!
Glad I found you guys, and thanks for having me!
This weekend the wife and I took the NRA Basic Pistol course, and later that evening I bought my first handgun (grew up shooting with my Grandpa, mostly .22's and such. I own a couple long guns but this is my first, my own, handgun). Picked up a Glock 23 in .40cal, and I love it even if I don't even possess it yet. I've been going nutty on youtube learning all kinds of stuff, researching upgrades and safes... AD setting in hard and I know this won't be my last handgun! Probably not my last Glock either.
I had started out after tons of research leaning highly towards the Springfield XD9 over the Glock. I like to buck whats popular, and the XD was just as praised by some. That changed when I went to the store and compared. Despite the fact that CA has none of the newer top models of these and many other brands rostered, so they weren't even an option, I and my wife just liked the Glock better. I may get an XD down the road. I was pretty set on a 9mm, but chose the .40 for its better defense, supposed shooting similarity to 9mm, and the fact that G19's aren't even available right now due to the gun climate. I'm still in the waiting period, but I cant wait to shoot it!
Any of you Glock guys? I'd love to network with and learn from you! Please share with me anything and everything I should or might like to know about my G23 and Glocks in general. How do you prefer to clean it? Whats your favorite ammo for different uses? Or compare the XD for my later referrence. I'm a Glock sponge right now, and if you can't tell, really excited!
Glad I found you guys, and thanks for having me!