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I came across this website that I thought I would share with all the Old Spice lovers out there. The site contains indexes to reference Old Spice products such as mugs, brushes, razors, advertisements, aftershave bottles, and other various Old Spice collectibles....pretty cool site.

Thank you, I just came across some of my Dad's Old Spice stash (some AS, Mug & Brushes) and wanted to date it. They're all glass and marked Shulton, just one says After Shave only and the other two says After Shave Lotion. :thumbup:

Looks like I have two of the 1973 style and one 1980 style. they're all pretty full too!

And the mug is either Late Glass 03 or 04
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I just spent close to an hour over on that Old Spice site reliving my youth. That's a nice link. Thanks.
cr8on is a registered B&B'er, and stops in from time to time. His collection is amazing.

-- John Gehman
Great site, but very dangerous to visit. It ignited an OSAD that took a lot of vintage ASL and soap to quench.
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