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Ever have a nostalgic love for your first shaving soap?

I started wet-shaving back in march when my Van Der Hagen Luxury shave kit arrived from Amazon. I used the luxury shave soap but quickly moved on, trying other brands, mixing superlathers, doing all kinds of experimenting. The standard became Bigelow cream and Proraso soap among others, but I never looked back.

Until a couple days ago, that is. I was admiring how my collection is slowly taking over one of the cabinet shelves in the bathroom (something I never thought would happen to me! Funny how the size of the collection sneaks up on you!). Anyway, I saw the VDH Luxury Soap on the bottom of the pile, and actually couldn't remember how it smelled. Until I took it out for a whiff, and was sent back in time to the wet-shaving beginning. I got all nostalgic about it... and used it alone for my next shave. Wow, it worked so well! You could easily use this soap every day and not need an upgrade... it's a real solid performer.

That said, I know there are tons of other more expensive or time tested brands out there. I may even have something in my collection now that superior... but for the last couple days I have obsessed over this, my first shaving soap.

Does anyone out there have a secret love for their first shaving soap? Or was it good-riddance when you found a better brand?

If you haven't gone back and tried that first brand again, I'd say bust it out for a revisit, or add a puck to your next order, and while the removed stubble is washed down the drain, you'll be going down memory lane! :biggrin1:
March? Your waxing nostalgic already? Lol. No, mine went BYE(good riddance) as I found vastly better soaps than that. Life is to short for mediocre soaps.
Anyway in a bit of irony directly related to this topic when my Father in law passed my wife went through his stuff while I was at work and when I got home what should I find on the counter in my shave den....yup, VDH starter kit with bowl, soap and brush.:biggrin1: Came back to haunt ne. Lol.
One of my first soaps was Mama Bear's Ye Olde Barbershoppe. While I now prefer Harris, GFT, Tabac & La Toja, I still use the YOBS a couple of times a year. I love the smell of YOBS. One of my favorite scents of all the creams and soaps I've used.
Although I've been wet shaving for 7 year, I didn't use soap for some time. I was very partial to Barbasol canned foams. That was the epitomy of lather to me.:001_unsur

My first first soap was actually VDH as well. I don't think I have any feeling about it at all. Now Tabac, thats another story. I will definetly have a place in my heart for smelling like a sophisticated German pimp lol
VDH luxury was Grapefruit + industrial solvent if memory serves. I don't count it. My first soaps were an assortment of Kell's Original samples as well as a tin of arabian spice. I don't really use glycerin's anymore, but I do still have a bit of the kell's. I really like the spice scent. I'm less a fan of it in a/s these days, but I still like it in soap.
Yes, Mitchell's Wool Fat. I learned to lather with it, and I still enjoy using it. Of course I have tried other soaps, and I enjoy them a lot also now.
Cussons Graphite shave stick to begin with (basic supermarket offering), then Erasmic, then Trumper sandalwood for my 18th Birthday
March? Your waxing nostalgic already? Lol. No, mine went BYE(good riddance) as I found vastly better soaps than that. Life is to short for mediocre soaps.
Anyway in a bit of irony directly related to this topic when my Father in law passed my wife went through his stuff while I was at work and when I got home what should I find on the counter in my shave den....yup, VDH starter kit with bowl, soap and brush.:biggrin1: Came back to haunt ne. Lol.

That is too funny! Was it still new in it's box? I need a new angle in pitching traditional shaving to friends and family... I have had NO takers. I guess no-one wants to look as good as I do now! (If only I could pitch it to John Goodman, I'd make my first sale!)

But yeah, it hasn't been that long since I started... though I am amazed with what I have collected for soaps and creams so far. In that short time I just kept moving forward. When I used the VDH soap again this week, I just remembered all the feelings of that first time... I had successfully lathered the face, loaded the wilkinson sword blade into the scrubbed and shiny Aristocrat (that I found hanging on the wall in the basement!). Slowly putting it to my face that first time, wondering if it would remove skin like a vegetable peeler on a cucumber. I went on complete the best shave of my life, thus turning around a 20+ year tradition of hating the shaving process.

So that said, having all that come back to me because of the smell of an entry-level shave soap was pretty surprising. Reliving that moment made me pretty happy.
Kell's Original


Was one of a handful of soaps recommended to me on another forum when I was starting out. I forget why, but they were the ones that interested me. I got samples of a few scents as well as unscented samples of the three different formula's they had, as well as a tin of Arabian spice. Back then I couldn't get decent lather unless I lathered on the puck, and my soaps were VDH luxury from the $7 kit Walmart sold back then and this stuff. Was quite happy with it until I got to try Tabac... very rarely use glycerins anymore, but once in awhile this and my Rose/Sandalwood QED get used for their scents.
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That is too funny! Was it still new in it's box? I need a new angle in pitching traditional shaving to friends and family... I have had NO takers.

Yes, it was still new in the box. Give yourself time in converting family & friends. Once they see an awesome collection of razors in your den & a few superior brushes & soaps they will come:)
It was part of a really complete gift set, nearly sixty years ago, now. Like almost everyone else in 1954, however, I was using a canned foam when I thought I needed something beyond the bar soap on the back of the bathroom basin, and the OS mug / soap remained in the original gift set box a couple of years and then, one day, when I was getting a "bad" shave (with the soft and sparse beard I had then, it hardly seems very possible, but whatever the soap on the wash stand was, it wasn't helpful for shaving).

I'm not saying it was any kind of epiphany; I didn't decide from one shave to never use bar soap again, just not to use Dial or Lifebuoy ever again (whichever it was). My earliest shaves had only involved a straggly mustache and equally straggly sideburns, and I'd just made a little soap lather on my hands, rubbing the wet soap back and forth. By 1956, I was using the bar soap somewhat like a shave stick, rubbed on my wet face, and then lathered in place, still with my hands / fingers.

I do miss the Old Spice soap, though.
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C&E Nomad cream was my first real shaving cream. My wife bought me a tube for my birthday after I began wet shaving and I always try to keep a tube of it around. I really love the scent and the cream performs well. I tried to like the soap but... I don't like the lather.
My first shaving soap that I used with a brush was whatever concoction that Gillette put in that "Brush Plus" gizmo, more of a cream, really.

I'm sheepish about admitting it, but when I re-discovered my dad's Slim and resolved to take up DE shaving again, I used some of the soap he had left in an Old Spice mug I found with the razor. It was a little musty, and being an idjit and not realizing that you couldn't just go to the corner drug store and score a new puck of Old Spice soap, after one shave I scraped the remnants out and trashed it.

Oh, the shame! :blue:
Williams Shave Soap. I keep several boxed pucks in my 'supply' stash and every so often I'll take one out and inhale deeply.
Shulton Old Spice was my go to soap for many years until I could no longer buy it. I still have a few pucks and lovingly use it from time. It never disappoints. In fact I have a number of vintage soaps like Avon, Barbershop, Seaforth and some others that I really like.


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