is it worth keeping a cheap soap around if you can only get a decent shave out of it by making super or über-lather?
I tried liking the soap in question but it dries my skin and doesn't really offer the protection I like from a soap, and it gives practically no glide. all that and a smell that reminds most of a truck stop bathroom... all of this seems to fade away when i throw a little bigelow shave cream in the bowl and then load the brush with the soap.
I'll go ahead and join the Arko haters club now. . .
I tried liking the soap in question but it dries my skin and doesn't really offer the protection I like from a soap, and it gives practically no glide. all that and a smell that reminds most of a truck stop bathroom... all of this seems to fade away when i throw a little bigelow shave cream in the bowl and then load the brush with the soap.
I'll go ahead and join the Arko haters club now. . .