I've always wonderd which way best to use the escher and 5x1 thury. escher say make lather and are sold with arubber. The 5x1 thurys are said to just use water with...A method was passed onto me so i tryed it and it works extremly well leaving smoother edge as i ever got from escher or thury with out using water which i think does'nt give as smoother edge as using slurry only. Sham who users escher always says use slurry never water ..I 'm think he is right
If any one wants to try and post results it would be interesting..You can do this method on shave ready razor or one that needs touching up or one that is not coming up to snuff..
its quite simple ..make a rich slurry on escher or your thury 5x1 or what ever size you have ..use circles only going up and down the hone covering the whole edge ..20 one way and 20 the other way ..going away from you go clockwise coming back towards you anti clock wise. use enough pressure to kep the razor flat...Now just hone away untill the slurry becomes real thick but not dry. stop once your there.. Should take 4/5 minutes strop linen/leather andcheck hht etc and have a shave ..
don't use any x strokes at all just pure circles.. give it ago and post back hopefully it works ..i found the edge to be absalutley smooth as butter .... of my escher and thury 5x1 which acatuly i think is basicly as god as the escher with out label..
If any one wants to try and post results it would be interesting..You can do this method on shave ready razor or one that needs touching up or one that is not coming up to snuff..
its quite simple ..make a rich slurry on escher or your thury 5x1 or what ever size you have ..use circles only going up and down the hone covering the whole edge ..20 one way and 20 the other way ..going away from you go clockwise coming back towards you anti clock wise. use enough pressure to kep the razor flat...Now just hone away untill the slurry becomes real thick but not dry. stop once your there.. Should take 4/5 minutes strop linen/leather andcheck hht etc and have a shave ..
don't use any x strokes at all just pure circles.. give it ago and post back hopefully it works ..i found the edge to be absalutley smooth as butter .... of my escher and thury 5x1 which acatuly i think is basicly as god as the escher with out label..
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