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Erasmic shaving cream

a recent thread made me go back and revisit this cream, i've used it once before but i disliked the medicinal scent of it and gave it away.
being from Jordan, i have the luxury of finding it abundantly on shelves in supermarkets and drug stores.
this tube cost me JOD 0.5 which is around $0.7, although i remember it being cheaper so it must have gone up in price in the recent year or so.
using it with mu usual 2-pass shave with a LORD S625-2 and a Nacet blade after a hot shower, it explodes into a thick nice lather and has decent slickness, i continue to dislike the scent, it reminds me too much of hospital rooms.

i've attached some pictures of the "Laminted tube" and the box it came in. this the regular kind, there's a menthol version advertised on the company website but i've never seen it anywhere despite living half an hour away from their HQ.


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The one I had from several years back looked like the attached pic. Unfortunately don't have it anymore. I let it sit too long unused (2 boxes) and the tubes started to leak, cream separated, and I had to toss them. IMHO it was one of the best cheap shaving creams available and had a great classic barbershop scent. I still have the soap in the little plastic bowl but it has a different scent and is a completely different product.
I have not had a tube of the Jordanian version for many years , I remember it being a good cream. I currently have the
UK version in my rotation , scent is nice , can't remember the scent of the Jordanian version ....
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The one I had from several years back looked like the attached pic. Unfortunately don't have it anymore. I let it sit too long unused (2 boxes) and the tubes started to leak, cream separated, and I had to toss them. IMHO it was one of the best cheap shaving creams available and had a great classic barbershop scent. I still have the soap in the little plastic bowl but it has a different scent and is a completely different product.

This is the one I had a tube of years back also. I thought the scent was fine (very powdery barbershop), but I definitely didn't like the performance as much as you did ;-)
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